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Unlocking the Secrets of Your February 2024 Horoscope

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Jan 29, 2024

The Goddess Venus arises from a clam shell

As we enter into the 2nd month of the New Year we see all planets are now moving forward!  Take advantage of this energy and get moving yourself, and on your projects.  We will see our New Moon in Aquarius on the 9th, and a Full Moon in Virgo on the 24th.  Valentine’s day will prove to be a big shock and surprise with the North Node and Chiron meeting up in Aries.  Can love really heal?  Let’s take a look.

In honor of Venus and Valentine's Day, I have a special offer on a reading that will combine Tarot and Astrology for a very thorough Love Reading. If you want to know how to manifest more love and/or money in you life, you won't want to miss this special offer that combines the Tarot cards with your astrology love forecast. Check it out here.


But first are you joining the Sip n Stars group this month?  There are only a few sessions left to learn how to manifest with the New Moon and learn about Astrology.  Check it out here.

Following is an overview of the major aspects in the month ahead. This impact the collective group, but the individual impacts depends on your personal planet placements. To learn about those book a session with me here.


February 1st – Rabbit Rabbit – a little good luck to start out the month never hurts!  Mercury and Neptune meetup in a sextile that can make conversations a bit dreamy, or delusional.  Be sure you are clear on what is being said, and in touch with reality.  Great day for creative writing. 


February 5th – Mercury meets up with Pluto in Aquarius and stirs up intense conversations.  This could be AI driven, inventive ideas coming to the surface, and on the darker side of things sexual secrets being revealed.  Very intense and interesting day.  Each planet that speaks to Pluto as it goes through Aquarius, is showing us something important about the next 20 years.  This planet of power, transformation, death and rebirth, has a lot to show us in that time.  Aquarius is the sign of innovation and of bringing people together.  Pay attention to what you are thinking and hearing today, journal about it.  In May it will come up again for review, when Pluto begins its retrograde in Aquarius.


February 6th – Venus planet of things we value, like love and money, is squaring off with the Nodes of fate.  Something in your relationships may make a significant change.  In the sign of Capricorn this may have to do with your career.  If you are giving your power away, whether in love or money related areas of your life, it’s time for a change.  A fated change, so don’t try to fight it.  While Venus squares the Nodes, the Sun in Aquarius is speaking in harmony with them.  That means whatever change you make, success will follow.  More indications of this is the sextile happening between Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, and Jupiter in Taurus, the sign that Venus rules.  When these 2 heavy hitters are working together you definitely want to take advantage of the energy.  These planets move slowly giving you time to understand what work needs to be done. In fact, almost the entire month these two will be working together, giving us major life lessons, but in a positive way. Of course if you ignore the lessons, they won't feel so positive.


February 7th – that fated change Venus had you make, now leads to a shocking surprise as the planet of love speaks in harmony with Uranus in Taurus.  Maybe you receive some kind of financial windfall, or a surprise in love.  The Moon sits next to Venus, so it is a feel-good day.  Mars and Neptune meet up in a sextile and things could get really steamy.  Capricorn does rule governments which means there could be some kind of new alliance.


February 8th – the Sun in Aquarius will begin its square to Uranus that will continue through tomorrow’s new moon.  This is shocking changes.  It can be quite explosive energy, like a lightning bolt to the butt to get you motivated.  A square requires you to make a change.  In Aquarius you might need to break free from a toxic friend who doesn’t share your same values anymore.  Or, break free from someone who owes you money.  This may be the wakeup call you need to make a big change, and break free from something that is holding you back in your life, keeping you from the success you deserve. 


February 9th – the new moon in Aquarius happens today at 20 degrees of the sign.  If you have personal planets in Aquarius, or throughout the zodiac at 15-25 degrees you will likely notice the energy of new beginnings.  This can have you making new friends, creating new innovative products, possibly a new social media campaign can be launched.  This has to be something that is to benefit others, not just yourself.  The Sun and Moon will both be making positive contact to the nodes, this means, the new beginnings are fated.  Modern day ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is squaring the new moon, meaning there is a surprising change in store for you.  Check out all the details of the new moon with a forecast for your Sun, Moon and Rising in the article located here.


February 10th – Mercury in Capricorn will square off with Jupiter in Taurus.  These two had quite a storyline together in 2023, perhaps a bit of a disagreement now on how things were supposed to be managed.  Are you doing something that matters with all you learned from last year?  Or, are you trying to just stay stuck?  Jupiter may give you a bit of a wakeup call if the latter is the case. 


February 11th – Chiron is now exactly conjunct the North Node in Aries at 16 degrees, while both oppose the South Node in Libra of course.  Chiron is your wounds, and your ability to heal them, most importantly teach others how you healed.  The North Node is your destined fate, the lessons you are here to learn.  Some lesson involving your health may come up at this time.  To be healthy and strong in the future you have to move away from relationships and situations where your individual strength and needs are not being honored.  Whatever the individual lesson you are learning you have time to get it right as these two will be together for a few weeks at this degree.


February 13th – Another big day when we see a new planet meet up with Pluto in Aquarius, this might be a rather explosive day.  Mars will enter Aquarius and sit with Pluto at 0 degrees.  The 0-degree point is something brand new that we are experiencing.  Mars and Pluto are both fighters.  Mars fights out in the open, Pluto fights beneath the surface, together they are covering a lot of territory.  In Aquarius this fight could bring people together to fight for a cause, or to fight back over unfair restrictions.  Expect an intense day.  Venus and Neptune are speaking in harmony trying to bring some gentle energy to the day. 


February 14th – Happy Valentine’s Day!  Venus and Neptune still speak in harmony so be sure and share the love.  Mercury in Aquarius also speaks in harmony with the nodes of fate, so there may be some surprise engagement announcements now.  There is the potential for words to be healing with Mercury also making a trine to Chiron.  The Moon in its happy place Taurus, meets up with Jupiter as they both speak in harmony with Saturn.  This can make for some serious commitments that are long lasting.  Contracts created now will be very favorable. 


February 16th – Venus is our latest planet to cozy up to Pluto in Aquarius.  Venus is not a fan of Pluto, or Aquarius energy really.  But an innovative woman could come into power today.  This can make relationships a bit obsessive, so you have been warned.  Women can gain power from Pluto.  A woman may step into a position of power over an internet platform.  Both planets will speak in harmony with the Moon in Gemini.  Powerful emotional words will be spoken.  Mars is still nearby heating things up too.  Meanwhile Mercury is squaring off with Uranus, there will be words today that can be a bit shocking.

2 fish swim in circles capturing the others tail
Pisces Zodiac Symbol

February 18th – Welcome to Pisces season!  The Sun moves into the sign late in the day on the West Coast.  Things become a lot more emotional when the Sun moves into the sign that feels things deeply.  A light will shine on things like spirituality, art, music, medicine, and intuition.  Pisces want everyone around them to feel good, so they are not the best at having good boundaries.  But, Saturn has been in the sign all year, to teach the lessons about what happens from not having good boundaries in place.  As the Sun and Saturn meet up, some big lessons will be given throughout the next week.


February 21st – if you need a do over from Valentine’s Day this might just be the chance you needed.  Mars and Venus, the lovers of the Zodiac meetup at 6 degrees of Aquarius.  This might be a good day for internet dating.  Mars isn’t exactly a lasting energy for love, but it is very passionate.  There is a t-square formed today with Jupiter in Taurus, Venus and Mars in Aquarius, and the Moon in Leo.  Love breakthroughs are possible if you are ready to make a big change.  Perhaps make a real commitment, as Saturn and Jupiter are still closely connected.  It could be that a move is needed with the Moon also inconjunct to Saturn.


February 24th  - the Full Moon in Virgo happens with the Sun in Pisces at 5 degrees, and the Moon in Virgo.  Those with planets at 0-10 degrees of the sign of Virgo, or in other signs will likely feel this energy more.  Full Moons of course bring something to completion.  It can also signify some sort of ending.  In Virgo this has to do with health, being of service to others, your day to day activities, including our jobs.  You could leave a job to start a better one.  Lots of tension to make the change happen with Mars and Venus still squaring with Jupiter.  Mercury ruler of the Full Moon sits just a few degrees away from the Sun in Pisces.  Some topics involving having good boundaries will be up for discussion.  There could also be some battles involving health issues.  More about this in the full write up that you can find with details for every Sun, Moon and Rising sign here.


February 25th – Venus is exactly square to Jupiter now, with a gentle nudge to change.  This can sometimes make one very over indulgent, so watch out for that.  These two benefics when they come together can make things too good.  Jupiter is the teacher in the sign Venus rules, so there is something you may be missing that you need to take a closer look at.  Love, money, beauty and the things you value are all up for review.


February 26th – following in Venus’s footsteps, if planets had feet that is, will be Mars now at 10 degrees of Aquarius and exactly squaring Jupiter.  This energy is much more dramatic than Venus alone was.  Now that you have seen what Jupiter has shown you there is no other option but to make a big change.  If you are not where you are supposed to be, with the people you are supposed to be with, then it’s time to make a big shift. 


February 27th – there will be a brief YOD that will require you to fulfill a mission from YOD, aka God.  A YOD is formed when the apex planet, the Moon, is inconjunct two other planets, both sextile to each other.  Those two planets helping each other on this mission are Jupiter and Saturn, but also there to help are the Sun and Mercury.  So, whatever this is don’t screw it up.  This is far too many planets involved for you to ignore this work.  The Moon in Libra is following your intuition about a relationship, or legal issue.  Definitely take a look at the houses being impacted by this work.  It could be something about buying, or selling a home.  Maybe settling a family dispute, legally. Jupiter would want you to make sure you are spending money on the right home.  Mercury, the Sun and Saturn in Pisces have you looking at what kind of boundaries you are setting at home.  Whatever this is you are going to feel it, and know you have something big to do.


February 28th – this month is ending in a big fashion!  Mercury Cazimi is happening with the Sun and Saturn also conjunct.  All are sitting at 9 degrees of Pisces.  This is some kind of big ending, so a rebirth can happen.  9 in numerology is the number of endings. These planets all still speak in harmony with Jupiter as well.  When you have a stellium of planets, three or more meeting up, there is something very important going on. And Jupiter makes whatever that is even bigger. When that stellium is part of Mercury Cazimi with the Sun, the rebirth going on is big.  Saturn is older rulers as well, one may be about to make a major transition.  Wherever you have 9 degrees of Pisces in your chart is also about to go through some serious change.  Saturn is very serious energy.  The Sun is our Success.  Mercury our mind and communication.  There may be a need for structure and responsibility in relationships, and communication might be intuitive and emotionally oriented.  Mars in Aquarius exactly square to Jupiter makes this a day you may never forget.


February 29th – that’s right it’s a leap year so we have an extra day in the month.  Venus in Aquarius is making space between itself and Mars, while in an exact trine to the South Node and a sextile to the North.  That means fated events in love or money, maybe both.  It can be a very emotional day as the Moon in Scorpio speaks in harmony with Saturn, the Sun, and Mercury in Pisces. Potential for some type of peace talks is possible.   Mars is at the top of a t-square between the Moon and Jupiter, meaning there is action needed among the people, that will create some type of breakthrough.


March Preview – In March we will see the beginning of the eclipses, and Mercury will enter pre-shadow for its retrograde that will begin April 1st. This first retrograde will be in the sign of Aries, the same sign as the New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 8th, which is a doozy.  There is a New Moon in Pisces on the 10th, followed by the Full Moon Lunar eclipse on the 25th in the sign of Libra.  This might be a good time to book a reading to discover what the eclipses will cover for you in the 2024 series. Check out my Special Offers for a discounted eclipse reading. Pay close attention to this New Moon in Pisces, because the full moon six months from now in Pisces, will be our second Lunar Eclipse.


Blessings and a Guiding Light







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