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Writer's pictureMaralee Burnett

Surprise Endings at the Full Moon in Taurus!

A Full Moon rises above a mountain range being hit by a bolt of lightning
Shocking Full Moon in Taurus

The upcoming Full Moon in Taurus, on November 15th, 2024, is set to be a powerful celestial event, bringing themes of sudden change, liberation, and reassessment of values. With the Moon conjunct Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and radical shifts, this Full Moon will challenge us to break free from old patterns and embrace innovation. At the same time, Venus in Capricorn, the planetary ruler of Taurus, forms a tense square to the North and South Nodes, signaling a critical point of tension and decision-making around our destiny and past karma. Adding to the mix, Mars in Leo forms a supportive aspect to the Nodes, providing dynamic energy and courage to face these turning points head-on. Want to be better connected to the energy of Taurus? Check out my article and the free hypnosis session here.

Key Cosmic Alignments: Understanding the Energies

1. Full Moon in Taurus Conjunct Uranus

  • Themes of Change, Liberation, and Innovation: The Full Moon in Taurus, a sign associated with stability, comfort, and material security, forms a conjunction with Uranus, the planet of disruption, rebellion, and sudden insights. This alignment brings a push-pull dynamic between the desire for comfort and security (Taurus) and the urge for freedom and innovation (Uranus). We may experience sudden shifts in our values, finances, or relationships, prompting us to break free from old habits and embrace new, more authentic ways of being. This Full Moon challenges us to let go of what no longer serves us and to be open to new possibilities, even if they initially feel unsettling or disruptive.

2. Venus in Capricorn Square the North and South Nodes

  • Tensions Around Relationships, Values, and Destiny: Venus, the ruler of Taurus, is in Capricorn, emphasizing themes of commitment, responsibility, and long-term planning in our relationships and financial matters. However, Venus forms a square to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, creating a point of tension between our current trajectory and our past patterns. This aspect suggests a karmic crossroads where we must make crucial decisions about what we value most and how these values align with our soul's journey. There may be a need to reassess relationships, financial commitments, or creative projects that are not aligned with our true path. The square aspect forces us to confront imbalances and move toward a more authentic expression of our desires and values.

3. Mars in Leo in Positive Aspect to the Nodes

  • Dynamic Energy and Courage to Face Challenges: Mars in Leo forms a supportive aspect (trine and sextile) to the North and South Nodes, providing the courage, determination, and dynamic energy needed to face the challenges presented by the Venus-Node square. Mars in Leo brings a fiery, confident energy that encourages us to take bold actions and assert ourselves in areas where we may have previously held back. This alignment suggests that by embracing our passion, creativity, and inner strength, we can make decisive moves that align us more closely with our true purpose and destiny. Mars's supportive aspect to the Nodes can help us cut through indecision and take empowered action toward our future goals.

  • Mars and Venus are also inconjunct one another. This signals the masculine and feminine energies are having a difficult time understanding one another. Relationships started now would end up being strange and non-conventional.

Impact of the Full Moon by Zodiac Sign: Goals and Focus Areas

The Full Moon in Taurus brings to light what has been growing beneath the surface, inviting each sign to focus on different areas of life where change and realignment are necessary. Here’s what each zodiac sign should focus on, based on the house that will hold this Full Moon:

  1. Aries (2nd House)

    • Focus on Finances and Personal Values: Aries should focus on reevaluating their relationship with money, possessions, and self-worth. The Full Moon highlights the need to break free from old financial habits or beliefs that no longer serve you. Consider your financial goals, aligning your spending with your values, and releasing any attachments to material possessions that don't bring genuine happiness or security.

  2. Taurus (1st House)

    • Focus on Personal Identity and Self-Expression: For Taurus, the Full Moon illuminates issues related to personal identity, self-expression, and physical appearance. This is a powerful time for self-reflection and personal transformation. Consider what changes you need to make to align your outer persona with your inner truth. This may involve a change in how you present yourself, your personal goals, or even your physical appearance.

  3. Gemini (12th House)

    • Focus on Spiritual Growth and Release: Gemini should focus on spiritual growth, introspection, and releasing past baggage. The Full Moon brings attention to your subconscious mind, hidden fears, and spiritual practices. This is an ideal time to let go of any self-sabotaging behaviors, seek spiritual healing, and embrace practices like meditation or journaling to gain clarity and inner peace.

  4. Cancer (11th House)

    • Focus on Friendships and Future Aspirations: For Cancer, the Full Moon shines a light on friendships, social networks, and long-term goals. It’s a time to assess your social circle and determine which relationships are supportive of your future aspirations. Take a close look at your community involvement, networking, and make sure they aligning to your long-term goals with your evolving values.

  5. Leo (10th House)

    • Focus on Career and Public Image: Leo should direct their focus toward career ambitions, public reputation, and professional achievements. The Full Moon brings attention to your career path and how you are perceived in the public eye. This is an excellent time to make strategic moves in your professional life, set new career goals, or consider a change in direction that better aligns with your true calling. It could be a career change is needed.

  6. Virgo (9th House)

    • Focus on Higher Learning and Exploration: For Virgo, this Full Moon encourages exploration of higher education, travel, and spiritual or philosophical beliefs. It’s a great time to expand your horizons, whether through formal education, travel, or spiritual exploration. Consider what beliefs or perspectives you need to release to embrace new ideas and experiences that align with your evolving worldview.

  7. Libra (8th House)

    • Focus on Transformation and Shared Resources: Libra should focus on deep transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. The Full Moon highlights the need for change in how you handle shared finances, investments, or intimate relationships. This is a powerful time to release any fears or control issues related to shared resources and to set new intentions around financial or emotional independence.

  8. Scorpio (7th House)

    • Focus on Relationships and Partnerships: For Scorpio, the Full Moon illuminates relationships and partnerships. It’s time to assess the balance in your personal and professional partnerships and determine what needs to change for greater harmony and mutual support. Consider setting new goals around creating healthier, more balanced relationships that align with your deepest values and desires.

  9. Sagittarius (6th House)

    • Focus on Health and Daily Routines: Sagittarius should focus on health, wellness, and daily routines. The Full Moon brings attention to your daily habits, work environment, and physical well-being. This is an ideal time to update old health routines, organize your workspace, and release any habits that are not conducive to your well-being. Consider what changes you need to make to improve your overall quality of life.

  10. Capricorn (5th House)

    • Focus on Creativity and Personal Joy: For Capricorn, the Full Moon energizes creativity, romance, and self-expression. This is a time to reconnect with your passions, hobbies, and the things that bring you joy. Consider bringing to fullness creative projects, romantic pursuits, or any activities that allow you to express your true heart.

  11. Aquarius (4th House)

    • Focus on Home and Family: Aquarius should focus on home, family, and inner emotional security. The Full Moon highlights the need to address issues related to your living environment, family dynamics, or emotional foundation. Consider what changes are needed to create a more nurturing and supportive home life, and set intentions around building emotional security and stability. Perhaps it is time for a move.

  12. Pisces (3rd House)

    • Focus on Communication and Learning: For Pisces, the Full Moon brings attention to communication, learning, and local community involvement. It’s an excellent time to improve your communication skills, complete educational opportunities, or get involved in your local community. Consider concluding goals around how you connect with others, share information, and expand your knowledge.


The Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus is a powerful catalyst for change, urging us to break free from outdated patterns and embrace innovation and authenticity in our lives. The tension between Venus in Capricorn and the Nodes asks us to confront our values and align them more closely with our true purpose, while Mars in Leo provides the courage and dynamism needed to take decisive action. By aligning with these cosmic energies and focusing on the areas illuminated by the Full Moon, each zodiac sign can set powerful intentions for growth, transformation, and new beginnings. Should you want to take a closer look at how this event may surprise you, check out my Full Moon reading specials here.

Love and a Guiding Light!


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