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September 2022 Monthly Horoscope

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

September is host to the next Mercury retrograde in the sign of Libra and Virgo. It is also a month where all the outer planets are now in retrograde. There will be a Full Moon in Pisces and a New Moon in Libra. We are also going to start feeling the influences of the upcoming eclipse cycles. You may start to get indications of what you need to eclipse out of your life so you can get back on your true life path.

Before we get into all the September details I have some updates for you. I have recently revamped my coaching packages. I now have a 12-session option that is 40% of my standard session rate, and even those are still very affordable. On the August 27th New Moon in Virgo I am holding a special group hypnosis event to help you combat stress. This is only $27 to join and you will have a recording to listen to in the future whenever you need some help to decompress. I hope to see you there! Speaking of New Moons, I also have developed a great package for you to easily reference and use to manifest what you desire with every Moon event. This will last you forever, because I give you the tools to work with each of the elements and signs. You will have a template that you can update year after year as you prepare your Moon rituals. Check out all my special offers here. Now let’s dig into the September details.

September 1st – Venus and Pluto are making an odd angle to one another, potentially leading to some type of weird power struggles especially among government leaders. Perhaps a woman plays a key role in bringing down someone in power. Mercury in Libra is opposing Jupiter in Aries, and about to go retrograde. So, whatever arguments begin today they won’t be resolved quickly. There is more to be seen. With the Moon in Scorpio opposing Uranus and conjunct the South Node there is a chance that some secrets from the past are also exposed on this day. Especially as Mars in Gemini is also speaking in harmony with Jupiter and Mercury. Definitely a day or two, for impassioned speeches, again.

September 3rd – pay attention to what is showing up for you now with Mars entering shadow for its very long retrograde solely in the sign of Gemini. Whatever you will be working on the full story will not be told until next March! Since Mercury and Mars are aligned our thinking is highlighted in a big way. Something major is coming up for review again. And it is going to take quite a while to work things out. The Moon in Sagittarius is speaking in harmony with Chiron in Aries. That is a lot of emotional fire power and healing potential. So, perhaps it is good to get all your grief out on the table once and for all. With Chiron making an odd angle to the South Node in Scorpio, there are definitely some buried emotions that need to be healed. Even illnesses can be brought to the surface so you can heal them. Whatever this is for you it won’t be solved quickly. Chiron moves very slowly and so do the Nodes. There is going to be a good month you are becoming aware of what needs to be healed.

September 9th – late in the day for the West coast of the USA at least, Mercury turns retrograde in the sign of Libra. This is the sign that rules our relationships, it also rules justice and fighting for things to be fair and balanced. Something about these themes is coming into view for your review. Since the planet is still in a sextile to Mars there are likely to be a lot of details you need to go over, and you may feel empowered to speak your mind about what you find. But the planet won’t spend its entire retrograde in Libra, it will also dip back into Virgo. Pay close attention to what was going on the last week of August, as the decisions you made are now being looked at again more closely.

September 10th – Mercury has just turned retrograde and will remain so until October 2nd. At almost the same time we will have the Full Moon in Pisces. This can signify endings because it’s a full moon, and additionally because Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Pisces is a water sign, so emotions can run high at this time. The Sun however sits in calm, cool and controlled Virgo, showing you the way through your emotional reactions.

Uranus will be in a sextile to the Moon and Sun as they oppose one another, adding the element of surprise to your endings. Uranus is also building in its square to Saturn. There is still that fight between freedom and control. The Nodes are starting to make a good amount of space from both Uranus and Saturn, so our fated paths start to feel less chaotic. Look for more details on this during my monthly write up.

September 12th – since the Full Moon the Sun and Saturn have been making what is called an inconjunct or quincunx, meaning they are 150 degrees apart. It is odd tension between your ego self and someone in a position of authority. At the same time the Sun is trine to Uranus. You may be really feeling this internally. Uranus wants freedom, to be a part of something bigger, to be creative and inventive. Saturn wants structure, restriction and rules. Your Sunny side may be much more inclined to join with Uranus and have some fun. However, Saturn has a large amount of influence and power. This could be a few tense days where you have some wild swings in your thoughts and behavior. With the Moon sitting next to Chiron in Aries there are bound to be some over the top angry reactions. But once you see these triggers and unhealed inner child wounds, you can heal them.

September 16th – Mars and Venus square off today which could bring some arguments about feeling controlled. This is an argument from the past, perhaps with a karmic partner. Mars will be conjunct the Moon, but inconjunct to the South Node in Scorpio. An old buried secret could come to the surface and cause the arguing to occur. Especially since the Sun is also opposing Neptune and shining a light on things beneath the surface. The same is true of the opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, both in retrograde. I would imagine at this time on the world stage, some important information is going to be exposed and a war of at least words will take place. For those not inclined to fight, Venus is speaking in harmony with the Nodes of fate. There are lessons to learn in love and money. Rewards come to those who learn them. Especially when you stand up for what you believe you are truly worth.

September 19th – The Sun and Pluto meet up in trine to really get those egos that were already riled up, a shot of adrenaline. You can use this in a positive way to take your power back from whomever has been threatening it. Venus is now in a trine to Uranus in her home sign of Taurus, so a woman in power may somehow surprise everyone. Maybe that woman is you. Mercury and Jupiter are still opposing one another, pushing us to open our minds. To figure out how to be more fair to our partners, while not losing our independence. The Moon and Venus are speaking in harmony to the Nodes, so fate may come calling today.

September 22nd – The Sun and Mercury are Cazimi at 0 degrees of Libra and Justice will be served! This could be a very intense day. The beginning of Libra season comes as Mercury is about to make its way back into the sign of Virgo. When the Sun and Mercury meet some become very anxious. It isn’t always easy to have the Sun 24/7 shining a light on your mind. But if you enjoy that type of energy, then big aha moments can occur. During this time the Moon is also inconjunct to Pluto, so some weird emotional power struggles could be going on. In the Northern hemisphere this brings the beginning of Fall and Pumpkin Spice Lattes! This is a signal that it is time to let things fall away that no longer serve you. In the Southern hemisphere we are welcoming Spring, and ready to breath new live into things. Set your intentions either way and welcome in the new season. This is the Equinox where we have equal parts of day and light. Time to find our balance again.

September 23rd – Venus opposes Neptune and pushes us to think about our spiritual connection to love and money, our values in general. You might feel like you want more, like just having control over your feelings isn’t enough. You need to lighten up a bit and trust that the Divine will provide for you. You also may have your rose-colored glasses pulled off so you can see things more clearly.

September 25th – A New Moon in Libra is a chance for new relationships and contracts to begin, however with Mercury retrograde you should proceed with a lot of caution. The Sun and Moon together bring balance to our emotional self and ego self, a new beginning. However, both are also opposing Jupiter in Aries, retrograde. So, if your relationship with yourself or others is out of balance, you will be shown where, and feel a strong need to correct the situation. Speaking up for yourself is likely to happen with the trine between Mercury, conjunct to Venus and trine to Pluto. More on this in the New Moon article.

September 27th – Mars and Saturn meet in a trine today which could have those in a position of authority flexing their muscles, especially verbally. This is only part one of this conversation however, so don’t expect anything final as a result of today’s events. Mars will retrograde and speak to Saturn again on this same topic. The Moon enters into Scorpio which can bring a few days of emotional transformation work. Venus is about to end her time in Virgo and move into her home sign of Libra. The restraints around love and money are about to come off.

September 29th – Venus breathes a sign of relief as the planet enters into the sign of Libra. Love and relationships can begin to feel a little more relaxed, but not if you are giving your power away and people pleasing. Jupiter is still in Aries pushing you to use your independence wisely. Saturn and Mars are still in their trine, while Uranus and Saturn are continuing to get closer to their exact and final square. The Moon is also speaking in harmony with Pluto. That is a lot of intense energy. Don’t forget to breath.

September 30th – it’s finally here the last exact square between Saturn and Uranus. The difficulty that began at the beginning of 2021, the long argument and power struggles is finally about to come to an end. These next few weeks will decide how the tension is going to come to an end. On October 23rd Saturn will end its retrograde and begin to move on from Uranus right in time for the New Moon Solar eclipse on the 25th. Expect some major final fireworks.

October Preview – This month is intense as we are in the eclipse cycle energy in a big way. As mentioned above we are seeing the last bit of the conflict between Uranus and Saturn. What theme has been prevalent in your life since the two first started their discussion at the beginning of 2021? Mercury will end its retrograde on the 2nd at 24 degrees of Libra. Pluto will end its retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn on the 8th. Saturn as mentioned, on the 22nd. There will be a Full Moon in Aries on the 9th just as Pluto ends its retrograde. Think back to those New Moon in Aries intentions, back on April 1st. Are they about to come to fruition? And then we have a major eclipse on October 25th in the sign of Scorpio, with Venus. There could be a woman in power who decides to step down at this time. Or maybe a woman steps up. Eclipses are fated events meant to keep us, or put us back on our path. Much more to come in the monthly horoscope for October and the New Moon Solar eclipse article. Make sure you tune in.

Thank you!

Love and Light!


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