2024 Preview – we are moving from a 7 Universal year into a 8. The energy of the 8 is powerful. The themes of strength and power will be seen universally and in our lives. The 7 energy of 2023 was meant to be about taking time for inner reflection. This has caused many to withdraw, to isolate their energy from others. Now it is time to do something with all that time spent reflecting on what you want in 2023. You have the power to create the future you want. Will you use your power wisely, and let it be shared with others for good? There are some who will choose to use power recklessly during an 8 year. The last time we have this was in 2015. What themes were showing up for you then? Would you like them to repeat? Or are you ready for something more?
Below is the outline of all the Transpersonal and Outer Planets. The personal planets move much more quickly, so will not be discussed. You can use the planning guide to see when personal planets will be retrograde.
Pluto is going to start the year at the last degree of Capricorn. This will cause a lot of desperation for those in power who are trying to hang on with all their might. That is because as this planet moves into the sign of Aquarius on January 20th, the power is going to shift to the people. We are coming together for a cause. Briefly in March of 2023 we saw Pluto enter into Aquarius, this brought about the expansion of AI into the mainstream. Aquarius energy is about bringing technology to light, and especially technology that unites people. Look for the year ahead to transform us with the combination of Pluto (power) and Uranus (innovation, surprises, science) the ruling planet of Aquarius, in unexpected way. There will be one last gasp at a power grab by the old GOAT of Government and Corporate leaderships, from September until November, then Pluto heads back to Aquarius for most of the next 20 years. Transformation of Capricorn themes will be complete.
Uranus as mentioned above, ruler of Aquarius, will continue to spend its time in the sign of Taurus. It takes anywhere from 5-7 years to fully explore a sign. Inventiveness with currency was brought to light, bitcoin and others, because of the planets time in the sign that rules money. We will continue to see surprises financially, more ways to think about and explore the meaning behind money. The planet will retrograde between 23 and 19 degrees of the sign, but make it as far as 27 degrees this year. Expect surprises with planets at those degrees.
Saturn will spend its time in the sign of Pisces, which it entered in March of 2023. Saturn returns every 29 years to a sign, where it then spends about 2 ½ years. That makes the year 1995 part of the time it was last in this sign of Pisces. Those of you born that year are having your Saturn return, and will find yourself wondering if you are where you are meant to be. There will be a call to get more serious about your life goals. For the rest of you, it will be good to look back at how Saturn in Pisces affected you back then. Saturn rules hardwork, structures, foundations, and restrictions. In Pisces, there are boundaries we need to create. Expect border issues, and immigration topics to be top of mind. Pisces is also our creativity, artists and musicians, especially women will continue to make a name for themselves as they work hard on their gifts. Speaking of gifts this sign rules over the spirit realm. Religious leaders may continue to try to restrict those who are not following the 'rules'. The planet will travel between 3 and 19 degrees of Pisces. It will retrograde from 19 back to 12. If you have planets near those degrees, especially in the sign of Pisces, they and you have work to do.
Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. Ruler of the sign of Sagittarius, we seek answers with this planet. It is these answers that help us grow. Some will do this at University, others with a spiritual teacher of some kind. This is a benefic planet, bringing us blessings when we live our truth. The planet will remain in the sign of Taurus until May 25th. Then it will enter into the sign of Gemini. We go from learning to live by our values, to learning to speak our truth. Jupiter will go retrograde at 21 degrees of Gemini and make it back to 11 degrees of that sign. If you have planets near those degrees, especially in the sign of Gemini, they and you have some growing to do. This may take you back to the year 2012 to close out what you began then, in order to begin something new.
Venus another benefic planet, will not be retrograde this year, after spending much of 2023 in the sign of Leo. We should know what we love, what we are passion about, and start pursuing those goals as Venus the planet of love, beauty, relationships and values, moves through all the signs, about 3 weeks at a time. She will begin her journey in the sign that Jupiter rules, blessing us with knowledge and adventure.
Mercury is the planet that rules communication, community and transportation. It is considered the messenger of the Gods as it flies quickly around the sky delivering messages between all the planets. It will have its 4 retrogrades in the Earth and Fire signs this year. Technically the first retrograde is just for one day, as it finishes its last retrograde from 2023 in the sign of Capricorn. We have some foundations to shore up with the Earth signs, that will help us launch something we are passionate about, with the Fire signs. It may be a year where we see new business launches, as Earth is Money. Fire is exactly that, and we may see more things going up in the sky with fire behind them.
Neptune the planet ruler of the sign of Pisces rules over our creativity, spirituality, our feelings that we use to create. The energy can be a bit foggy and delusional if we don't use it as intended, to create. This is where we can put on rose-colored glasses and choose ways to self medicate, so we don't have to deal with all the feelings. What we should be doing is channeling those feelings into something like art, music, or spiritual work that helps others. The planet will continue to spend its time in Pisces getting to 29 degrees of the sign before it begins its retrograde at the beginning of July. Neptune like Pluto spends a long time in each sign because of how slow it moves. In 2025 it will move into the sign of Aries along with Saturn which will be major changes in our independence. The 29th degree is always and intense, critical degree. Emotions will be stirred up, things that are hidden will be brought to the surface for all to see during the summer. As Neptune retrogrades between 29 and 27 degrees of the sign you have to be sure you seeing things clearly. Use 2023's retrograde for clues to how you interact with this dreamy, sometimes confusing, energy.
Chiron the energy of the wounded healer, will still spend its time in Aries and go retrograde at 23 degrees. This planet shows us the wounds we carry with us from childhood. This pain we carry feels like a tremendous burden. But we can get stuck being the victim, or use our pain to help others heal. As we heal them, we heal ourselves. In the sign of Aries we are healing any wounds we carry that impact our self-confidence. This planet takes it's time in each sign much like Uranus, in Aries it will last about 5 years. Chiron always transits between the signs of Uranus and Saturn. To stay ahead of Saturn when it enters into Aries with Neptune it will need to move into Taurus in 2027. The planet will retrograde between 23 and 19 degrees of the sign. Planets impacted by these degrees can help you heal your wounds that cause you to doubt yourself. So can the hypnosis session I have here.
The Nodes do not change signs this year. They will continue their journey between Aries, North Node, and Libra, South Node. We will continue to see relationships end that are out of balance, South Node is letting go. We will continue to see lessons in establishing fair relations, ending codependent relationships, North Node Aries. Justice and it's scales will continue to be highlighted until they are balanced, South Node karmic lessons. We will also continue to see the theme of strength and independence with Aries in the North Node. War and fighting for independence will also continue to be highlighted. Watch for women to again take on more leadership roles. At then end of the year the nodes will get to the critical 0 degree, where we have to show we learned our lessons and listened to fate. 2025 they will change signs again as they do about every 19 months or so. For now you are looking at themes that occurred in your life back in 2005.
See the Chart below for which house will be affected based on your Sun, Moon or Rising Signs. The placements are based on whole sign charts, so just generalized information. Which means the rising sign is set to zero, yours is likely not at that degree. Mercury, Venus and Mars are personal planets like the Sun and Moon, and will not be shown in this chart as they move quickly around the zodiac, except to show where they start out for the year. You may need to scroll to the right to see the full chart.
Planets | Jupiter | Chiron | Uranus | Mars | Mercury | Pluto | Venus | Saturn | Neptune |
Aries | 2nd/3rd | 1st | 2nd | 9th | 9th | 10th/11th | 9th | 12th | 12th |
Taurus | 1st/2nd | 12th | 1st | 8th | 8th | 9th/10th | 8th | 11th | |
Gemini | 12th/1st | 11th | 12th | 7th | 7th | 8th/9th | 7th | 10th | 10th |
Cancer | 11th/12th | 10th | 11th | 6th | 6th | 7th/8th | 6th | 9th | 9th |
Leo | 10th/11th | 9th | 10th | 5th | 5th | 6th/7th | 5th | 8th | 8th |
Virgo | 9th/10th | 8th | 9th | 4th | 4th | 5th/6th | 4th | 7th | 7th |
Libra | 8th/9th | 7th | 8th | 3rd | 3rd | 4th/5th | 3rd | 6th | 6th |
Scorpio | 7th/8th | 6th | 7th | 2nd | 2nd | 3rd/4th | 2nd | 5th | 5th |
Sagittarius | 6th/7th | 5th | 6th | 1st | 1st | 2nd/3rd | 1st | 4th | 4th |
Planets | Jupiter | Chiron | Uranus | Mars | Mercury | Pluto | Venus | Saturn | Neptune | |
Capricorn | 5th/6th | 4th | 5th | 12th | 12th | 1st/2nd | 12th | 3rd | 3rd | |
Aquarius | 4th/5th | 3rd | 4th | 11th | 11th | 12th/1st | 11th | 2nd | 2nd | |
Pisces | 3rd/4th | 2nd | 3rd | 10th | 10th | 11th/12th | 10th | 1st | 1st | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
If you want to fully plan your year ahead, and see how the planets will impact your life, I have an expanded worksheet available here. You may need to create a free drop box account to access it. You can fill this out by working with a copy of your birth chart to see what houses will be impacted, and if you have any natal planets that are directly impacted as well. Of course, it is best to work with a trained astrologer, like me. However, if you like to play Jr Astrologer this is a great way to get started. This worksheet is filled out for you as a part of booking an extended reading session to review the year ahead. See it on my website here. To create a free birth chart you can visit a site like Astro.Com and enter your day, time and place of birth. The chart will show you what houses all of your natal planets are in. Additionally it shows you what house you have the signs listed above in your chart as well. This is how you will apply the worksheet above. Coaching clients can choose to do this work in one of their sessions as well! Enjoy!
Happy New Year!!