2023 Preview – we are moving from a 6 Universal year into a 7. The energy of the 7 is much more withdrawn. In the extreme as a collective we are going to have some reason to stay hidden this year. It is a time of reflection. The 6 energy of 2022 was meant to be fun and filled with love. In some cases we seemed to go too overboard with that energy and indulged in it too much, causing some excesses. Next year’s eclipses will be in Aries and Scorpio for the first half of the year. In the second half they move to Libra and Taurus. This is a result of the nodes shifting in July to Aries and Libra.
Pluto is going to make a brief dip into Aquarius before it retrogrades back into Capricorn. The power is going to shift to the people when Pluto stays in Aquarius, but for now the Government is still holding all the power and at the very end of its transformation work. This will be a year where we look back in history and notice a shift of power happening.
Saturn will spend its time in the sign of Pisces, Neptune will still be there but at the later degrees of the sign still. Saturn will only get through the first 7 degrees before it heads back to 0 degrees. This again signals a major shift in power. Saturn returns every 29 years to a sign, where it then spends about 2 ½ years. That makes the last time it was in this sign 1994. So, those of you born that year are having your Saturn return and will find yourself wondering if you are where you are meant to be. There will be a call to get more serious about your life goals. For the rest of us it will be good to look back at how Saturn in Pisces affected you back then.
Jupiter will enter the sign of Taurus on May 17th, it will go retrograde at 15 degrees of that sign. Uranus will also still be in Taurus but further along and go retrograde at 23 degrees in August.
Venus will have a retrograde beginning mid-July just as the nodes switch signs. She is in the sign of Leo, which she really enjoys. No complaints about getting to spend more time in the sign of love and joy.
Mercury will have its 4 retrogrades in the Earth signs this year. Showing us how to get better grounded and have us rethinking our work and our finances.
Neptune will continue to spend its time in Pisces getting to almost 28 degrees of the sign before it begins its retrograde at the end of June. Neptune like Pluto spends a long time in each sign because of how slow it moves. In 2025 it will move into the sign of Aries along with Saturn which will be major changes in our independence.
Last but not least, Chiron will still spend its time in Aries and go retrograde at 19 degrees. The degrees matter most when you happen to have a personal planet at those degrees. Chiron always transits between the signs of Uranus and Saturn. To stay ahead of Saturn when it enters into Aries with Neptune it will need to move into Taurus in 2027.
See the Chart below for which house will be affected based on your Sun, Moon or Rising Signs. The placements are based on whole sign charts, so just generalized information. Which means the rising sign is set to zero, yours is likely not at that degree. Mercury, Venus and Mars are personal planets like the Sun and Moon, and will not be shown in this chart as they move quickly around the zodiac, except to show where they start out for the year. You may need to scroll to the right to see the full chart.
Planets | Jupiter | Chiron | Uranus | Mars | Mercury | Pluto | Venus | Saturn | Neptune |
Aries | 1st/2nd | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 10th | 10th/11th | 10th | 11th/12th | 12th |
Taurus | 12th/1st | 12th | 1st | 2nd | 9th | 9th/10th | 9th | 10th/11th | 11th |
Gemini | 11th/12th | 11th | 12th | 1st | 8th | 8th/9th | 8th | 9th/10th | 10th |
Cancer | 10th/11th | 10th | 11th | 12th | 7th | 7th/8th | 7th | 8th/9th | 9th |
Leo | 9th/10th | 9th | 10th | 11th | 6th | 6th/7th | 6th | 7th/8th | 8th |
Virgo | 8th/9th | 8th | 9th | 10th | 5th | 5th/6th | 5th | 6th/7th | 7th |
Libra | 7th/8th | 7th | 8th | 9th | 4th | 4th/5th | 4th | 5th/6th | 6th |
Scorpio | 6th/7th | 6th | 7th | 8th | 3rd | 3rd/4th | 4th | 4th/5th | 5th |
Sagittarius | 5th/6th | 5th | 6th | 7th | 2nd | 2nd/3rd | 2nd | 3rd/4th | 4th |
Planets | Jupiter | Chiron | Uranus | Mars | Mercury | Pluto | Venus | Saturn | Neptune |
Capricorn | 4th/5th | 4th | 5th | 6th | 1st | 1st/2nd | 1st | 2nd/3rd | 3rd |
Aquarius | 3rd/4th | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 12th | 12th/1st | 12th | 1st/2nd | 2nd |
Pisces | 2nd/3rd | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 11th | 11th/12th | 11th | 12th/1st | 1st |
| | | | | | | | | |
If you want to fully plan your year ahead, and see how the planets will impact your life, I have an expanded worksheet available here. You may need to create a free drop box account to access it. You can fill this out along with a copy of your birth chart to see what houses will be impacted, and if you have any natal planets that are directly impacted as well. Of course, it is best to work with a trained astrologer, like me. However, if you like to play Jr Astrologer this is a great way to get started. This worksheet is filled out for you as a part of the Manifesting with the Moon package which is just $11.11 through the end of the year. See it on my website here. To create a free birth chart you can visit a site like Astro.Com and enter your day, time and place of birth. The chart will show you what houses all of your natal planets are in. Additionally it shows you what house you have the signs listed above in your chart as well. This is how you will apply the worksheet above. Enjoy!
Happy New Year!!