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Writer's pictureMaralee Burnett

November Monthly Horoscope 2024: Many Blessings

Updated: Oct 2


A rectangular table is filled with Harvest items as people cheers to a Thanksgiving feast
November Blessings

November preview – Election month is upon us.  With it comes another Mercury retrograde on the 25th.  That means we will be in pre-shadow for much of the month.  Pre-shadow is the area that a planet covers prior to the retrograde, giving us a preview of the work that the retrograde will cover.  That means the election results might not be clear in the beginning.  Saturn will end its retrograde on the 15th, attempting to bring some order.  This is the voice of reason, and a much older person.  The New Moon is in the sign of Scorpio on the 1st, and the Full Moon is in Taurus on the 15th, at the same time Saturn stations to go direct.  Does this mean an older wiser candidate will prevail or be dealt some karma? Read on for all the details.


November 1st – Rabbit Rabbit another month, another round of good luck to manifest.  As the month begins Jupiter is still in its sextile to Chiron.  Mars enters the last degree of Cancer, 29, a critical degree, while still part of a Grand Water trine with Mercury and Neptune.  There is some important emotional work you need to do.  It may be coming up because of the fact that Pluto and Mars are facing off with one another.  There is a battle between the matriarch and the patriarch, Mars in the sign of Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn.  The tension can be settled by finding a way to meet in the middle.  This is also the New Moon in Scorpio, happening at 9 degrees of the sign.  The Sun and Moon together will make a sextile to Saturn, retrograde in the sign of Pisces.  A new beginning based on the work of the past.  This is the degree where Saturn is also going to station and go direct.  Whatever you have been working on since Saturn was first at this 12-degree mark, it’s now time to be rewarded.  If, you have been doing the work of course.  Much more detail on this in the full write up here.


November 2nd – helping with the negotiations is Mercury at 29 degrees of Scorpio, the sign Pluto rules, making a trine over to Mars in Cancer.  These are very intense talks with Mercury also speaking in a sextile to Pluto.  Mercury is the messenger and it is helping expose some secrets for both parties to level the playing field possibly.  This is an interesting dynamic with Mercury in the sign of Scorpio that both Mars and Pluto claim rulership over.  Whoever plays this role in real life knows a thing or two about the parties in conflict and they will use that to their advantage.


November 3rd – Mercury heads into Sagittarius after its negotiations between Mars and Pluto, trying to get more knowledge about the situation. There are more stand offs, but this time it is Jupiter in Gemini, retrograde, facing off with Venus in Sagittarius, both at 20 degrees.  This is a number in numerology that refers to balance.  These two planets create a gentler type of conflict, at worst there is a lot of things tempting you to overindulge.  Jupiter will push Venus to be less rash, as it rules the sign of Sagittarius and expects a certain decorum.  Venus speaks in harmony with Chiron, which can give women a helpful lift.  Chiron was once the trainer of the Gods.  Women’s health topics may be on the ballot, and it proves to be very important to the overall election results.


November 4th – another planet with certain expectations is Saturn and it is trine to the Sun today, while it is getting close to the end of its retrograde work in the sign of Pisces.  This is success for work you have done in the past.  There is some help offered you and you want to be sure to take it.  Mars also moves into a sign it very much enjoys, which is Leo. Mars is currently in its pre-shadow phase, it will retrograde on December 6th as it reaches 6 degrees of Leo. Then It heads all the way back to 17 degrees of Cancer. Things will be fired up throughout the voting and counting of the votes in the United States.


November 5th – it’s election day in the United States, yippee, soon all the ads will be over!!  The Sun shines a light from the sign of Scorpio right on top of President Biden’s Mars, while still trine to Saturn. He is also a Scorpio Sun, which is conjunct to Venus. It would seem he still has some sort of emotional plea to make, or role to play. The Moon will be in Capricorn which favors the ‘older’ candidate, but it is square to the North and South Node of Fate, which means a change will be made that favors women.  When Trump won in 2020 he was having his nodal return, winning was part of his destiny.  This time Jupiter in retrograde will be activated.  I am seeing that he is going to have to deal with the karma he created while in office the last time.  But we shall see. With Mars and Pluto still in a standoff its definitely going to be a major battle.


November 6th –Mercury and the Nodes are speaking in harmony.  Mercury is at fall in the sign of Sagittarius, the concepts are bigger than Mercury likes to deal with.  Meaning something big is up for discussion now.  This could be good news for a younger person of foreign decent.  We have a couple days to see this all come to fruition.  Whatever just happened, whomever won, it’s fated. 


November 7th – Venus in Sagittarius is inconjunct to Uranus in Taurus, bringing a shocking surprise to the woman mentioned above.  The last time this happened Hilary had a shocking loss.  But then it was Libra and this time the energy is Sagittarius.  Emotions are all over the board as the Moon is trine to Uranus, retrograde in Taurus, while conjunct to Pluto, and opposing Mars.  The Moon in Capricorn suggests some ability to bring our emotions under control.  But there is emotional transformation going on now that could briefly surprise us.  Mercury is also pre-shadow on this day.  Again, the work we need to do during the retrograde is attached to the hands of fate.  Whatever is showing up now, may not be over for quite some time.


November 9th – Venus in Sagittarius will be making a square to Neptune, which usually means it is time to see the truth, time to stop deluding yourself.  There is something you need to learn and in order to do so you have to take off the rose-colored glasses.

November 10th - A fated finger of God appears today with the Sun in Scorpio which will be inconjunct to Chiron in Aries and Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter and Chiron work together to help us find the words to heal. The Sun in Scorpio brings about a major transformation and sheds light on the darkness. Shining the light on the darkness is how the mission gets completed. Venus is at the last degree of Sagittarius, trying to live it up before she has to move into serious Capricorn. Is a foreign woman being tested in some way?


November 11th – A special Thank You to all who have served, on this Veteran’s Day in the USA.  We still have an important YOD with the Sun in the sign of Scorpio.  Jupiter and Chiron still sextile to one another, and still both retrograde, form the base of the YOD.  It is also 11:11 so an interesting day of manifesting.  A rebirth is needed as a result of this YOD, for all of us. But the work isn't easy. Mercury in Sagittarius will square off with Saturn In Pisces, meaning we have to change our mind about something, and learn a big lesson, based on the past.  Or, a woman of foreign decent is in an argument with an Older man who is trying to cross her boundaries. Another interesting day on the world stage.

November 12th –   The Moon in Aries, is conjunct the North Node as it opposes the South.  We see this once a month of course.  Each pass they make together is a chance at some emotional growth.  Letting go of the past so we can move forward. This also could mean something important that involves a woman in a leadership role. Since Venus is moving into the sign of Capricorn, which rules over governments it is likely this woman is got important work to do over the next 3 weeks while Venus transits the sign.


Nov 13th – Venus and Mars are making an odd connection to one another from the signs of Capricorn and Leo.  Could there be a strange alliance forming?  An unexpected one? This connection lasts for a few days. Venus in Capricorn could be a female in a government role and her connection to a male leader is strange in some way. They definitely are not getting along. Perhaps some sort of lovers quarrel?


November 15th – Full Moon in Taurus today happens at 24 degrees of the sign, right as Saturn ends its retrograde.  The Moon is conjunct with Uranus, which could make this a surprise ending of some kind for you.  The ruler of the Full Moon is Venus, in Capricorn, and square to the Nodes.  Big change is definitely underway.  Neptune in Pisces, retrograde, is making a sextile to the Moon, adding more emotions to this energy.  Pluto still trine to Uranus adds more power to the Moon. Is the election chaos finally over? Make sure to read all the details and break down by sign in the full article here.


November 16th – Uranus and the Sun are still having their standoff, while the Moon heads off into the sign of Gemini, where it squares off with Saturn and meets with Jupiter.  These teachers of the Zodiac have some words after that stunt during the full moon.  There is a lot of tense energy, that could have shocking outcomes.


November 17th – more difficult discussions as Mercury in Sagittarius, opposes Jupiter in Gemini.  These planets are in each other’s home signs, and have something important to teach us.  Something we may not have seen because we are so comfortable at home, but a visitor can point it out to us, and teach us an important lesson.  Neither Jupiter or Mercury is a malefic planet, which makes this important information to share and learn from.


November 18th – Neptune in Pisces makes a trine to the Sun in Scorpio.  This can be a day where our creativity can shine.  Mercury while still opposing Jupiter has moved on slightly and now is speaking in harmony with Chiron in Aries.  Whatever we are learning it is something that helps us develop our independence.  Maybe that is some kind of freedom from government oversight as Pluto is spending it’s last day in the sign of Capricorn, never to return again during our lifetime.  This is the final lesson.


November 19th – as it did last January, Pluto re-enters the sign of Aquarius where it will spend the next 20 years.  In January we saw a lot of political activity.  That should be concluded and we are ready to move forward with new aspirations.  Aquarius energy is freedom seeking, unique, and inventive.  What we do here is for the benefit of the many, not just the one.  Pluto will transform how we currently come together into something that binds us in a way that is more powerful, more meaningful.


November 21st – Mars in Leo is speaking in harmony with the Nodes, all at 4 degrees.  There is fated action we are taking now to create something we love, maybe a new leader is building their cabinet.  It is also the first day of Sagittarius season as the Sun enters the sign and immediately speaks in harmony with Pluto in Aquarius.  A light is being shown on a new kind of power you have to connect with others and make a difference.  You are more successful when you think big and unite the many.  Venus speaks in harmony with Saturn, making something you do a long-term commitment.  Saturn brings a level of responsibility to Venus, especially as she travels through the sign that Saturn rules.  You are taking finances, and love, much more seriously. There is a lot of positivity in the air, maybe the worst of the conflicts are behind us now.


November 25th – Mercury begins its retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius at 22 degrees, the number of the master builder.  What will you build for yourself over the next 3 weeks, in the house that this sign occupies in your chart?  There is a kite formation in the sky that suggests there is a lot of work to do.  The Moon in Libra conjunct the South Node, opposes the North.  This creates the back bone of the kite, this is where the tension is created that will lift that kite up into the air.  Fate and your intuition are you guides.  They are giving you something important to work on for the next 3 weeks.  Be sure you do it. The support comes from Mars in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius. This is important work, you want to take advantage of this huge opportunity.


November 26th – a grand fire trine appears in the sky as the Sun, Mars and the North Node all speak in harmony.   There is positive aspect also to the South Node in Libra.  This is the frame of the kite which began yesterday.  The emotional back bone is gone now that the Moon has moved on, but the North and South node lessons remain.  Wherever you are being urged to take action, you need to do it.  You have a lot of positive momentum behind you and helping you to succeed, and in a big way.  Fate is doing all it can to guide you, but ultimately you have to decide to make the necessary changes. Venus is also forming a tsquare with the Moon in Libra, he home sign, and Chiron in Aries. A woman in a leadership role is working to resolve some serious emotional conflict.


November 28th – Happy Thanksgiving!  There is a lot of positive energy in the air left over from the grand fire trine, hopefully that makes the conversation around the dinner table lively and entertaining.  Saturn in Pisces, moving forward and speaking in harmony with the Moon in Scorpio will keep emotions in check.


November 30th  or December 1st – depending on location we have another New Moon, this one in the sign of Sagittarius at 9 degrees of the sign.  We can create a new beginning that involves foreign travel, languages, start a new education, whatever you do to grow and expand your horizons.  This new beginning is fated, as the Sun and Moon speak in harmony with the Nodes of fate and destiny.  Mars is also in good aspect to the new moon, at 5 degrees of Leo.  This feels like a lot of forward momentum showing up and helping you move in a positive direction.  Much more on this in the full article here.


December preview – Depending on where you live you have the New Moon in Sagittarius to start the month, EST locations.  Mercury will end its retrograde on the 15th right as the Full Moon in Gemini happens, which Mercury is the ruler of. That means this ending has something to do with whatever your retrograde journey has been about.  Chiron will end its retrograde on the 28th.  Then the last New Moon of the year is in Capricorn, on the 30th.   And then we will be ringing in another New Year, as the Nodes change signs!  Wow that will be a January to remember.  Much more to discuss next month.


Love and A Guiding Light!











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