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November Monthly Horoscope 2023

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

If you are reading this it means you made it through the last set of eclipses for 2023! Congratulations! Now it’s time to get to work as Saturn will end its retrograde on the 3rd. Followed by the New Moon in Scorpio on the 13th, and a Full Moon in Gemini on the 27th. That’s it, a smoother month without any new retrogrades or planets shifting signs or or or…. Let’s dive right in.

November 2nd – The Sun in Scorpio will oppose Jupiter in Taurus, still in retrograde. This is a question of value. It’s about being above board, and potentially growing yourself financially. Jupiter the planet of growth and expansion, has been guiding you on a journey since September 4th, to only pursue things that bring you value, or provide true value to others. The Sun in Scorpio is more interested in things that bring intense experiences, major transformations. Jupiter in Taurus is much more connected to physical things, where the Sun is attached to the metaphysical when in Scorpio. What can you do to balance the two? Perhaps work in the metaphysical realm as an astrologer like me??

November 3rd – it seems like a lifetime ago when Saturn first turned retrograde in the sign of Pisces. What lessons have you been learning with Saturn since last June? Where are you ready to apply the learnings and now get ready to do some serious work? Saturn will sit here for a while showing you the way. As a big planet, it takes much longer for it to turn and change direction. That means the energy is much more intense in the meantime. Expect it to last for about a week. Venus and Neptune oppose one another today which can help us take off some overused rose colored glasses. Can you handle the truth, this energy asks.

November 4th – Mercury in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus, causing a financial argument of some kind. Perhaps the war of the internet giants, social networks, comes to a head today. Or a battle over the budget in D.C. Mars is inconjunct to Chiron and that is a fight that is coming up in a strange way. Making this a good day to be extra careful, or you could have a strange accident, and end up in the hospital.

November 6th – Mercury is speaking at an odd angle to the North node in Aries. This could have you learning something about yourself in an unexpected way. Neptune has been inconjunct the South Node for what seems like forever now, so it’s time to stop ignoring the lessons of the past, and stop blocking your spirit guides. It’s time to move forward with your spiritual and creative gifts. Pluto and Venus, in earth signs, combine to make a powerful connection in your life too. Perhaps a woman helps you fully step into your power financially.

November 8th – Venus enters into her home sign of Libra, and is happy once again relating to people with love. However, as she enters she has a guest waiting for her across the sky, Saturn at 0 degrees of Pisces still. This creates a lot of tension, as any opposition does. It is time to set good boundaries in your relationships Saturn says. 0 is a critical degree, there may be lessons in relationships that are seen on the world stage. The Sun is also edging closer to Mars in Scorpio, as it is still inconjunct to Chiron. The pain of the past is coming up in a way that you can’t ignore. Mars has you taking action to heal, but it may be in an unusual way.

November 10th – Mercury is at its fall when it enters into the sign of Sagittarius, and the square to Saturn right off the bat could have you actually wanting to turn right around and go back the way you came. Wherever you are trying to take off, you will be grounded, and made to take a closer look at the big picture here. Mercury finds all the information from Sagittarius too big, too much at once, very overwhelming. There isn’t enough detail, everything is just so darn big in Sag. Be sure you actually slow down and pay attention to the details. That is the lesson from Saturn about the next several weeks that Mercury transits through the sign.

November 11th – Happy Veteran’s Day, and a huge thank you for your service. The day could be filled with a lot of crunchy energy. Mars in Scorpio is opposing Uranus in Taurus, both at 21 degrees. With the Sun close by, things are really heating up. This could be a time where we have some very violent weather patterns, so travel plans should be made with travel insurance. Water is being churned up in an explosive way with this opposition to Uranus. Be careful around water, and especially around water and electricity. This energy is with us for a few days. Stay safe.

November 13th – At the New Moon in Scorpio we have a chance for a major life change. With the Sun exactly opposite to Uranus, and conjunct the Moon and Mars, emotions are all over the place. Scorpio rules the area of psychology, making this a great time to deal with the subconscious mind. It also rules power, and could signal a woman stepping into power. Amid all the chaos there can be loving words shared because of the positive connection between Mercury and Venus. Relationships can be healed if they were caught up in all the storm. Hopefully Mercury and Venus can help soothe those wounded egos. For what this new beginning in Scorpio will mean for you, check out the New Moon article here.

November 15th – Mercury and Venus are still making a sextile to one another, and now they are both inconjunct to Jupiter. This will create yet another Finger of God, YOD, showing us where we have some growing up to do. Jupiter is at the tip of the YOD, it is where we have the lesson. We need to pay close attention to the things we are putting too much value in that really offer us no value at all. If you doubt your worthiness at all, you are likely to be given a lesson that pushes you to value yourself more. The YOD is brief so the lesson is swift.

November 16th – The Sun and Mars are now exactly conjunct at 24 degrees of Scorpio while they are in a trine to Neptune in Pisces. Both of these water signs are getting a big serving of steroids, so might our emotions. If there is a creative project from the past you want to give some new life, this is the time. Especially with Mercury and Venus still marching along in harmony together, giving us the words to say, or write. Something is motivating you to make a major change in your life as both the Sun and Mars are exactly inconjunct to the North Node. You may not have seen this coming, but it is fated, and you do have to follow where you are being led. No matter how strange it is. Go I tell you, just go.

November 20th – You will be feeling invincible with the energy of the Sun and Mars in a trine to Pluto. But so will those in a position of power, like government leaders. The Neptune and South Node, inconjunct energy, is now exact as both hit the 24-degree mark. Something that has been lingering beneath the surface is ready to fully be exposed now. This is about your karmic past. It could have to do with relationships from your past in some way because of the South Node being in the sign of Libra. It will be important to look at the houses being impacted by these transits for clues.

November 21st – Chiron and Mercury meet briefly to share some information that can be quite healing in nature. Chiron opposes Venus during the conversation, making this a somewhat difficult conversation. Both Mercury and Chiron in fire signs can make whatever this topic is, or conversations that are being had, very passionate in nature. Especially since we still have Mars and Pluto exactly sextile one another, while the Sun hits the critical 29 degree of Scorpio. This might be a conversation you never forget.

November 22nd – Happy Birthday to all the Sagittarius Suns out there, and Happy Thanksgiving to those in the United States. As the Sun hits 0 degrees of the sign the season of adventure begins. This sign is about faraway places, and expanding our boundaries. Time to get away it says, but not so fast, so says Saturn still at 0 degrees of Pisces. This square means whatever getaway you had planned may have to be changed. Remember that work you were supposed to be doing when Saturn started moving forward again, that happens right now.

November 24th – as we emerge from our Turkey coma we might feel super motivated to go and work it off. Mars enters into the sign of Sag where it is so happy to be, and instantly motivates us all to get moving, to get adventurous, to get out and explore. Of course, there is still that nagging Saturn energy squaring this point, so the adventures we take and the actions we take, have to be responsible in nature. It is not just about having fun, it is about having fun with purpose. You will definitely feel way more energized over the next 6 weeks! Finally.

November 27th – our Full Moon in Gemini happens with the Moon at 4 degrees of the sign, while the Sun and Mars oppose it closely conjunct. The Moon in Gemini wants to learn, wants to be a part of a community, but the Sun and Mars just want to get out and have a grand adventure. You can feel the pull to run away to foreign places, but something at home is going to command your attention. You have to take care of something at home before you run off. The ruler of the Full Moon is Mercury, also in the sign of Sagittarius, and speaking in harmony with the Nodes. It is also in a square to Neptune. Information right now is coming out that is going to help you close a chapter in your life. Delusions will be shattered, the fog will be lifted, and you will see the truth. This is fate being in charge of the information that is shared and the lessons that are learned. Saturn in Pisces at 0 degrees is forming a t-square to the Sun, Mars, and the Moon. A major change has to happen as a result of this full moon. Saturn requires discipline and structure. Saturn is restricting the information, causing ego wars, and a war of words, it is forcing a conversation to be had. Something important will end as a result of the discussion. This will be interesting and intense, and you can read much more about it here.

November 29th – the month ends as Venus is conjunct with the South Node, and opposing the North. The lessons in love we learn will help us on our path to independence. With the Sun at 7 degrees of Sag and inconjunct to Jupiter a blessing may come from an unusual person or in an unusual way. A benefactor from your past may unexpectedly show up in your life now with a financial gift.

December preview – the year will come to a close with a lot of activity. Neptune will station to go direct on the 5th. A new moon will happen in the sign of Sagittarius on the 12th, Mercury will have its final retrograde of the year beginning on December 13th. The Full moon happens in the sign of Cancer, just after Christmas, on the 26th. At the same time, we will see Chiron station to go direct. This is a very healing Full Moon. To finish the year off we will have Jupiter station to go direct on December 30th. This will leave Uranus as the only planet still retrograde. Much more to come in next month’s article!

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Love and Light,



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