Monthly Horoscope Predictions
The Month of March is full of important milestones. We have the 2 eclipses, 2 personal planets going retrograde over almost the exact same territory, and at the beginning of the month, all the outer planets are moving us forward. Let's explore the fated twists and turns ahead with a break down of the energy day by day.

If you have been waiting to do a reading this is the month to sign up! There is much to explore with the Lunar and Solar Eclipses occurring in the signs of Virgo and Pisces. This is the first chance we get to see what the full meaning of the work we have to do is. Check out my eclipse Special Offer reading package here. The first to sign up will also get a mini tarot reading on whatever topic you are most interested in.
March 1st - Rabbit Rabbit! Don't forget as soon as you become conscious on this day that should be your first thought. We can always use some good luck. Mercury is currently pre-shadow, showing us what we need to learn during the upcoming retrograde. These are big lessons as the planet of communication is sitting next to the North Node in Pisces. There are fated lessons to learn. This is also where Venus started her discovery, and now that planet turns retrograde at 10 degrees of Aries. Both planets will reach into Aries and then head back into Pisces, for some unfinished business. Before you can get what you want, you need to tie up some loose ends. Those loose ends will take Venus until April 12th to resolve, and April 7th for Mercury.
March 2nd - Jupiter in Gemini is slowly moving forward, it's only moved about 1 degree since it ended its retrograde on February 4th. It's a huge planet, it takes a while to make the big turn. Today it squares with the Sun in Pisces, where Jupiter was once the ruler, before Neptune was identified that is. There is a gentle nudge to consider a change in direction related to your spiritual path, or creative path. The nudge is much stronger if it's time to deal with addictions or mental health issues. More healing topics may come up with the Moon in Aries sitting next to Chiron in Aries, finally off that eclipse point from last year. Mercury sweeps past Neptune in Pisces and sits at 29 degrees, a critical degree. Some kind of information may come to the surface now that becomes a big part of your retrograde journey.
March 3rd - Mercury moves into the sign of Aries and our words can become a bit more abrasive, and assertive. Mercury's time here as we lead up to the eclipses is important. I strongly recommend journaling during these weeks. Mercury is the ruler of the South Node that is working its way through Virgo, opposing all the planets at the last degrees of Pisces, and the North Node of course. We are being shown where we need to have more faith and give up trying to control all the outcomes.
March 4th - for the next 26 days Neptune will sit at the critical 29th degree of Pisces, the last degree of the last sign of the Zodiac. Things can feel intense, especially for those with planets here, you can also seem dreamy or confused. You would have to look back to July 2024 for the critical nature of this planet at this degree, for how intense things may be. It could be the topics that were prevalent back then come up now for another look. We saw the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, we saw extreme weather, and a lot of political turmoil across the world. Neptune will move into Aries next month for the first time in our lifetimes, but come back to revisit Pisces one last time towards the end of October and through the end of the year. How it might impact you depends on your personal planets and potentially how your life was affected in July 2024.
March 5th - Pluto in Aquarius is speaking in harmony with Mercury in Aries and the Moon in Gemini. With the Moon in the sign that Mercury rules, there is likely to be some emotional reaction to information that surfaces today. Pluto energy is about the collective, it is fueling a transformation. With all of these positive connections it could be information we learn that helps us all. Something or someone may rise from the ashes.
March 7th - Mars ended its retrograde on February 23rd and it still sits in the same territory, but as it moves forward it is meeting up in harmony with the Sun in Pisces. There is a lot of support for issues related to our feelings, emotions, and intuition. Topics involving water may be important, so can spirituality and artistry. The Sun is our ego self, and it shines a light on how we can succeed now. Mars is our motivation, and in the sign of Cancer it sure knows how to stir the pot. These two were at odds as the fires raged in California, are they now working together to create long lasting solutions and to help the people rebuild?
March 11th - Mercury and Venus in retrograde, meetup for a conversation about what they love, what they want for themselves, perhaps even speaking up passionately about something important today. Venus returns to the same area and retrogrades once every 8 years. Is there something you are just now learning, or a cycle coming to an end that started for you in 2017? Perhaps a cycle is repeating so you can put someone out of your mind once and for all. These two personal planets, will be holding hands through the Lunar Eclipse, so emotional closure is very possible now. What are you hanging onto still from 2017?
March 12th - the powerhouse planets of the Sun and Saturn join forces today in the sign of Pisces. This could be a time where boundaries are important, creating solid structures for success, and putting in the work. If there is something you have been struggling to complete, this is the day where you understand just how to get the work done. They meet up at 22 degrees which is the Master Builder number. Could peace be building overseas? Or does an older leader feel more empowered to go after what they desire?
March 14th - Eclipse season begins with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. This is something you are fated to release, it is an emotional block that can be released or some kind of emotional closure. Mercury the ruler of this Eclipse is at a standstill at 9 degrees of Aries, where the New Moon Solar Eclipse will occur in 2 weeks time. These two events are connected more than ever. Whatever you learn now, it becomes part of your retrograde journey for the next 3 weeks as well. We have a stellium of planets in Pisces, the Sun, Saturn, the North Node, and Neptune which is sitting at that critical 29th degree. Just the little ol Moon and the South Node standing their ground in Virgo. This is our first real opportunity to understand the lessons being presented to us about the Pisces/Virgo axis. Physical Health vs Mental Health. Control vs Faith. Water vs Earth. These eclipses continue until July of 2026. They will be most impactful when they are hitting on a personal planet of yours, or chart angle. What do you have in your chart at 24 degrees? Right now we also have Uranus speaking in harmony with this eclipse from 24 degrees of Taurus, where it is moving us forward. Much more detail and a breakdown by sign can be found by reading the article here and watching the Astrolesson and Tarot cards for the week.
March 17th - Happy St Patrick's Day! May the luck of the Irish be with you! Although I am not sure Notre Dame felt that way in the College playoff game. Hopefully your luck is made possible by the Sun in Pisces sitting next to the North Node at 27 degrees. Are you fated to succeed? Are you moving on since the Lunar Eclipse and letting something go and feeling fantastic about it? Whatever fate puts in your path today, be sure and pay close attention and take action, learn the lesson. Then you can really make progress on your goals.
March 19th - now the Sun in Pisces is at that critical 29 degrees as it meets up with Neptune. Will the light be shown on a deep dark secret? Will the Sun highlight an artist in someway. Will spirit shine a light on all of us? Whatever it is the energy is bound to feel a bit dreamy. Especially with the Moon in Scorpio speaking in harmony with the North Node, Neptune and the Sun. A very emotional day, do something positive with all these feelings, like create music or art.
March 20th - it's the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and that means the Sun is now in the sign of Aries. It's also the Spring Equinox where we have equal parts day and night. This is the first sign of the zodiac and for many the actual beginning of the year. See you needed that closure during the lunar eclipse in order to get a real fresh start now. And the eclipse coming up, the Solar, will remove any blocks from you getting this new start. Just remember both Venus and Mercury are in Aries and retrograde, so there is a lot of energy that is slowing us down, making sure we choose the right path forward. Balance is the key today.
March 21st - Who is this new power couple? That would be Venus in retrograde speaking with Pluto in Aquarius. Love and power are teaming up, or money and power, perhaps all three. Something from the past is calling out for your attention, and together these two can help you fix a mistake. Something can be reborn, depending on where you have this energy of Pluto in Aquarius happening in your chart. Love relationships can be intense when these two are combined, possessive even. Not usually a great choice to start something during a retrograde. Unless you are just having fun, and both parties are on board. Revisiting a love from the past is very possible, but you have to be doing something different for it to last.
March 22nd - Venus and the Sun meet up at 2 degrees of the sign of Aries. Venus becomes invisible as she approaches the Sun and will remain that way for several days. This is when Venus moves from an evening star to a morning star. This is the rebirth of Venus. In your chart a big transformation is happening, maybe like it did in 2017 around this time. Since this energy is powered up by Pluto, things may feel very intense! Take a breath, and reflect on all the things you value. Then make sure your current life reflects the same. If not, it is time for some big changes.
March 23rd - The Sun in Aries is staying connected to Pluto in Aquarius. Continuing to transform leaders, maybe even wars in some way. There is a lot of pressure from Chiron in Aries, Mars in Cancer, and the Moon in Capricorn. The way through this is figuring out how your need for independence can be balanced with your family and work priorities.
March 24th - now it's Mercury's turn to meet up and be cleansed in the fire by the Sun, both are at 4 degrees of Aries. The Moon in Aquarius is meeting up with Pluto at the same time. This Mercury Cazimi could be rather intense, because the Moon and Pluto will both sextile to the Sun and Mercury! This is normally a subtle positive connection, however with this intensity it will be over the top. There will be the potential for some very moving speeches by a young leader. There could also be some sort of change in power. Perhaps the square between Mars and Chiron causes an accident, and the person involved has to step down from a leadership role.
March 25th - Mercury makes its way past the Sun and still speaks in harmony with Pluto in Aquarius, as Venus sits at the 0 degree point of Aries. Something you started is up for review. Now you must go back and finish up the details, the thing you didn't quite finish before, involving love, money or both. The 0 point of Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac, but in retrograde that new beginning involves something from that past that is yet to be resolved. You need closure so you can move forward.
March 26th - Chiron in Aries moves to 22 degrees at the same time as Mars in Cancer moves to 22 degrees , while still square to one another. This painful event changes in some way. There is a rebuilding energy to whatever happened as these two clashed. These two met up during their retrogrades last year as well. This could be the closure you need to heal and move on. The first meet up was mid October 2024. The second was the first few days in February 2025. Whatever the storyline, the difficulty, is finally ready for a final chapter.
March 27th - Venus goes back into Pisces and immediately meets up with Neptune at 29 degrees. This could be a dreamy reconnection with an old lover. Just be sure you aren't wearing rose colored glasses. We can easily be fooled or delude ourself now. Remember you are here to wrap things up, to do the re-work, not start something new. The Moon in Pisces will square to Jupiter in Gemini, while Mars is still square to Chiron. I think these two energies may keep those glasses from staying on for too long.
March 28th - Saturn in Pisces is moving right along now at 24 degrees and it is making a positive aspect to Uranus in Taurus. There could be a big surprise involving leaders overseas. It's a sextile, so subtle energy. But neither Uranus or Saturn is very subtle, so it still may surprise you in a big way. Uranus in Taurus can be financial surprises. Saturn in Pisces could be a reward for using your gifts. Mars even joins in to inspire you.
March 29th - here it is, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries, back to back years of New Moon Solar Eclipses here. Which means once again our new beginnings are not free of stress. Solar Eclipses will remove things from our lives unexpectedly, in order to put us back on our fated path. More impactful if you have energies at 9 degrees of Aries, but also impactful in other signs as well. The nodes for this eclipse are not in the same sign. That means this is not a Total Solar Eclipse. That can make this event less earth shattering, than some. However, we still have a stellium of planets in Pisces surrounding the North Node. Mars the ruler of the Eclipse, is still speaking in harmony with Saturn and Uranus. Making this an emotional event. Remember Mercury was at this same 9 degrees as it started to retrograde. Is there some information that comes to the surface now, that ends up removing something or someone from our lives as a collective? Mercury is now back at 0 degrees in retrograde, bound to show us something new. For even more details check out the full article here and don't forget to watch the Astrolesson and Tarot card reading for all signs.
March 30th - you thought the eclipse was a big deal, but wait there's more! Today we see Neptune move into the sign of Aries, for the first time in our lifetimes. Neptune is a watery emotional planet, known for dissolving things. As ruler of the sea, the fire energy is a major shift for this planet. Will we see wars dissolve? Will we see leaders who are more spiritual in nature? Will artists use these years to gain their independence. For clues we can look back on history and the last time Neptune entered Aries. I did an hour long session about all the shifts and changes coming in 2025, you can still check it out here. Neptune will be in Aries until May 22, 2038! So we have a long time to understand the planets impact on society. In April 1861 when Neptune last entered, Aries it was the beginning of the Civil War, and we all know how that turned out in the end. Light conquered the dark. When any planet enters 0 degrees it is a preview of what is to come, pay attention.arch 30, 2025 – May 22, 203
March 31st - we end the month with Mars, Uranus and Saturn all still speaking in harmony with one another. Even the Moon joins Uranus in its home away from home, Taurus. Venus retrograde in Pisces, now sits hand in hand with the North Node at 27 degrees, with Mercury right on her footsteps at 28 degrees of Pisces. The time for this emotional review is almost over. What are you learning? What are you ready to let go of so you can finally move forward? The South Node in Virgo that opposes all this Pisces energy is showing you the way out of the past and into the future.
April Preview - April 7th Mercury will end it's retrograde, followed by Venus on the 12th. The Libra Full Moon, which Venus rules over, is happening at the same time as the planet slows down to move forward once again. This makes for a very intense full moon. Venus themes of love and relationships will be very apparent. Major relationships can come to an end, the famous kind. Your goals regarding love and marriage could also be realized. This will be followed by another Venus ruled sign, Taurus's New Moon on April 27th. There is a tiny window of opportunity where you can move something forward, but do so very slowly. You want both Mercury and Venus to clear their post shadow phase before any major launches. Much more to come next month!
Love and a Guiding Light!