Fated Shifts and Changes

Welcome to the New Year!! 2025 is a monumental year, where we have all the outer planets changing signs. As a collective we are going through major changes that will make history. In fact, we will look back on 2025 and see it as the year where everything changed.
Are you wanting to know how the year ahead will impact you? Where will all these changes be happening in your life? Be sure to check out my special offer on an in-depth reading with a workbook and live 2 hour session that can be recorded. Sign up here.
Monthly Breakdown
January 1st - Rabbit Rabbit! A little good luck to start the year off right. The energy on the 1st day of the year is the birth chart for the year ahead. Its of course going to be a remarkable year ahead. We start out with a unique formation, the Envelope. This configuration resembles an envelope shape on the astrological chart and symbolizes a blend of potential, challenges, and the means to harness energy effectively for personal or collective growth. We have 4 points in sextile and trine to one another, while also being in opposition. The planets involved are the Moon, conjunct Pluto in Aquarius, Mars in Leo, and the North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra, all sitting at 1 degrees with the Nodes at 0. This is a revolution that has to do with women, innovation, and power. The Moon and Pluto are in a trine to the South Node, while sextile the North Node in Aries. Fated changes that unite us. Mars is sextile the South Node and trine to the North. This makes Pluto and the Moon in opposition to Mars in Leo, and it means the changes don't come easily. In fact some male leaders may try to keep the people from uniting. This power struggle started in 2024, and continues as Mars completes its retrograde and meets one last time with Pluto as it moves forward. Put April 25th on your calendar as when we see the final battle between these two opponents.
January 2nd - Our envelope is still present, that Mars and Pluto opposition still strong. A change is underway with Venus who has spent the last 3 weeks in Aquarius, helping us find the friend groups that we love. Now the planet is getting ready to head into one of her favorite signs, Pisces. Love can be dreamy here. Also it can be a bit over the top, as in rose-colored glasses. Love can be healing too. Venus also rules beauty and art, both may be highlighted during her transit here. And since the planet will retrograde in Pisces at the beginning of March, that means you want to experiment, not commit to anything in the months ahead.
January 3rd - speaking of Venus we have our first YOD, a personal quest that involves Venus, and the Moon at 0 degrees of Pisces, and the South Nodes at 0 degrees of Aries and Mars at 0 degrees in Leo. Relationships are going to teach us some things, especially one's from the past. Have you seen the movie Serendipity? How hard it was for the two main characters to get together? All the obstacles they had to overcome? That is this energy. Anyone you meet and start a relationship with out of the blue is going to be a major life lesson. As Venus sits inconjunct to the Nodes this is not anything you expected to happen. But remember it's a quest, you have something major to learn about love, money, beauty and the things you put value in. With Mercury and Uranus also at an odd inconjunct angle, conversations could surprise us, and information that comes up now about foreign people or countries could be really shocking. Have I mentioned how intense the year is going to be? If you have personal planets at these same degrees this will impact you. Others will just be watching it all play out.
January 4th - the Sun in Capricorn is in a sextile with the Moon and Saturn in Pisces. Funny how the Moon keeps showing up with all this drama. This can bring some sort of reward for the hard work you were doing in 2024. Saturn rules Capricorn, and the Sun rules over our personal success. The Moon our emotional self likes its time spent in fellow water sign Pisces, but Saturn makes it harder to feel things freely and openly. But trust your intuition if an offer, for perhaps a job comes through today. Saturn is still in a square with Jupiter, which is retrograde in the sign of Gemini. You need to change your mind about something in order to take advantage of this offer.
January 5th - Mercury in Sagittarius is having a difficult conversation with Neptune in Pisces. This can bring up hidden information about foreign people or countries. It can expose some kind of deceit. If you have been wearing rose colored glasses they get rudely ripped off now. A square always represents some sort of difficult change that is needed. But when you make the change the two energies can work together better.
January 6th - Mars has now been retrograde for a full month. It started on December 6th at 6 degrees of Leo. It now is back into the sign of Cancer. Reviewing all that happened at the end of last year, giving you one more chance to take action on the themes of home, family and motherhood. Any planet at 29 degrees is intense, Mars even more so. And it is still in opposition to Pluto. The battle for power continues. Do women have an advantage somehow? Mars was last here battling it out with Pluto during the election for the President of the USA. Are we still fighting it out somehow?
January 7th - Mercury leaves Sagittarius finally, it began its retrograde there back on November 25th! Finally things can slow down a little as far as information goes. But not before we learn something really strange from the odd angle back to Mars retrograde. Something that happened in the past is being exposed, the truth is being told. Capricorn helps us focus in on the work we need to do with Mercury in this sign for the next several weeks. Mercury's first order of business is to correct some misinformation. It will square off with the Nodes at 0 degrees of Libra and Aries. This is information from the past, that was used potentially to sabotage someone. Now the information or conversation is coming to the surface and needs to be dealt with. Mercury in Capricorn is conversations involving young people and the government. Sounds like this day has the potentially to expose things that some would like to remain buried.
January 8th - The Sun in Capricorn is squaring with Chiron in Aries. The Sun shines a light on something painful that happened to an individual, a wrong may be righted now. A change in leadership could happen because of an injury or illness. We are also seeing that fated connection between Pluto and the Nodes getting stronger, there is a subtle shift underway. Do you feel it or sense it?
January 9th - that Grand Air Trine between the Moon, Pluto and the South Node is activated again, this time it is even stronger as Pluto and the South Node are closer together than they were last month as the Moon was in Gemini. This could be fated information about a relationship from the past. This is some kind of opportunity based on information that is given to you, don't let it slip by again. This is the last chance to see this!
January 11th - Boom! Today the Nodes finish their time and your lessons with the energy of Aries and Libra. The work on rebalancing right and wrong, justice, and fairness in our relationships, has hopefully been achieved. If not, see you in about 19 years as you do the work, again! Do you feel the Nodes shifting? This is just the beginning of a new 18 month cycle that kicks off at the critical 29 degree mark. So anyone with personal planets at those degrees may feel some kind of calling. Our lessons have changed now. The North Node in Pisces continues the work we have been doing with Saturn for the past 2 years. Now it's time to show you know how to keep healthy boundaries in place. The South Node enters into the sign of Virgo, the healer. We will need to let go of things that affect our physical health. We may see a health crisis that needs to be dealt with at the collective level. The last time the nodes were in these signs was June 2006. What was going on for you at that time? As a collective we saw the bird flu, or H5N1 spike and we are already seeing some crossovers into humans. This is going to be something to watch very closely.
January 12th - Mars retrograde speaks in harmony with Neptune in Pisces. This can motivate us to work on our spiritual or artistic gifts. This could have you reconnecting with music, art, or your former church. Uranus also speaks in harmony with the Sun in Capricorn. You could be surprised by a financial windfall or bonus at work.
January 13th - this is our first Full Moon of the year and it happens in the sign of Cancer, so in the Moon's home sign. We will be feeling a lot of emotions at this time already because of the Moon being strong at home, but also because it will also be conjunct to Mars in retrograde. A full moon brings completion and/or endings. Mars is action related to the past that involved a woman or mother, homes and families. The Sun shines a light on the situation from the sign of Capricorn, work, government, older politicians. This is sextile to Uranus which can bring a surprise ending. And it is trine Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. It is also sextile to the South Node. Potentially something related to Mars as it first passed through this degree last October, is coming up for completion. We are being shown what we need to let go of in order to achieve some sort of dream. We are see a square between the 2 benefice, Venus and Jupiter. This can cause us to overreact or overindule while coping with this energy. Much more details on this in the full write up that will include a breakdown for each sign here. Definitely watch my Astrolesson that week as well.
January 14th - the drama of the Full Moon may not be over just yet. Venus in Pisces very close to Saturn is in a square with the other benefic planet Jupiter, still. This Saturn and Jupiter square has been ongoing since mid 2024. Venus and Jupiter don't usually create too much difficulty, maybe some over doing it, but Saturn adds a different element. There is an argument happening today about restricting women's rights possibly. Love takes on a more serious tone when Saturn and Venus are joined, but the square could expose a cheating scandal.
January 15th - more confrontations as Mars retrograde in Cancer faces off against the Sun in Capricorn, both at 26 degrees. There is some kind of peacemaker that is trying to calm down this fight for dominance. Fate and faith may both lend a hand and try to cool the tempers. This could be a woman fighting against an older man for control and power. Conversations and information during this time will be strange and weird as Jupiter in Gemini is inconjunct to Mercury in Capricorn. With the Moon in Leo, I am expecting a lot of drama on this day, especially as it squares to Uranus. Will a leadership change be the surprise?
January 16th - the Sun in Capricorn is now speaking in harmony with that peacekeeper, Neptune in Pisces. They have combined forces to help calm the storm. However, things still feel very intense. This could be someone from very far away that is helping support this woman or a country ruled by a woman that is being attacked. If not a woman leader someone who is emotional and sensitive. With Jupiter and Mercury still inconjunct the information coming out could be a bit distorted and hard to follow.
January 17th - Venus and Saturn meet up at exactly 15 degrees of the sign of Pisces. Conjunct, the planets combine their resources. Love and commitment. Emotional stability. Both will be opposed by the Moon in Virgo. Our mental health, Pisces, may be challenging our physical health Virgo. This is the energy of control and freedom as well. A bit more to the story of the Nodal shift is unfolding. Especially as Mercury the story teller speaks in harmony with both Venus and Saturn. An authority figure may be needed to resolve the conflict, and it may take a few days.
January 18th - the Sun finishes its time in Capricorn at 29 degrees as it speaks in harmony with the North Node in Pisces, hanging out with Neptune, and the South Node in Virgo hanging out with the Moon. The Sun is also very close to Pluto in Aquarius, there are big changes in power coming. Of course this makes sense with the Presidential Inauguration happening in a few days time. But are the players who we expect? Your personal success, the Sun, is very much based on your karma, both past and present. The Sun is shining a light on whatever house you have this 29 degrees of Capricorn in your chart. A fated reward?
January 19th - the Sun moves into the sign of Aquarius and shines a light on groups and friends. We find success when we work together, when we innovate, when we provide services to those in need. For the next several days as the Sun unites with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, of transformation, there can be major power shifts happening. Aquarius is a feminine sign, and women may be the one's experiencing powerful shifts at this time. Commitments are being made between government leaders.
January 20th - It's Martin Luther King Day and Inauguration day in the USA. On this day we see the Sun and Pluto exactly conjunct as well, which makes sense as this is a transformation of power. But the power is to the people, not to the government since we have moved away from the Capricorn energy that was a part of the actual election. As Mercury is square to Chiron, there are words and information that can cause pain, or words that could perhaps help heal a pain from the past. Mars and Uranus are combining energies to create some surprises. The Moon in Libra is trying to bring us some emotional balance. This marks the energy of the Presidency over the next 4 years. Whomever is in power will be going through a personal transformation along with the country. I will talk more about this in the weekly Astrolesson video so be sure to tune in for that.
January 21st - the Moon moves into Scorpio bringing up some emotional uneasiness, since it will be square to Pluto and the Sun in Aquarius. Emotional conflicts are possible on this day. More arguing still as Mercury is still square to Chiron in Aries. Is there some battle involving a government figure? With Mars in Cancer in a sextile to Uranus, attacks could be happening swiftly and unexpectedly.
January 22nd - Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Cancer are both retrograde and speaking in support of one another. This is something related to the past that is coming up in a surprising way. This close connection has already been ongoing, now it is exact, so at a peak for the next several days at least.
January 23rd - this is the most intense day of the month so far. Our envelope formation is back again! More incoming stressful tense information. We have Mercury in Capricorn opposing Mars in Cancer, battle of men vs women. Then we have the Moon in Scorpio facing off with Uranus in Taurus, an emotional surprise. That Moon forms positive aspects to Mercury in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, trying to help resolve that conflict. Uranus forms positive aspects to Mars and Mercury trying to resolve the conflict in a unique way. Out of this conflict comes a big opportunity to move us all forward.
January 25th - the lovers of the Zodiac Venus and Mars are working together at 22 degrees of Pisces and Cancer, this is a real love fest. 22 is the energy of the master builder. Are we coming together to help one another heal? Uranus sits between the two also providing some unexpected assistance. Is this the final resolution to the conflict?
January 26th - Mercury in Capricorn is meeting up with the Nodes and Neptune, this is fated information being brought to the surface. You may be inspired to write, to sing, to share your plans for the future. This may be a good time to make plans for the future of your business. With that Uranus, Mars and Venus connection still going strong you may be inspired by someone from your past. Mercury in Capricorn can be someone younger who steps into a position of power due to someone else's illness.
January 28th - Mercury after all that hard work and planning has left the sign of Capricorn, and now meets up with Pluto. You have to face your fears of public speaking. Words can bring about a major transformation. We may have powerful speeches given on this day. They are emotional as well as the Moon joins in.
January 29th - after the emotional day we had yesterday today we get a chance at a fresh start. The Sun and Moon meetup in the sign of Aquarius. This is our first New Moon of the New Year, so if you already broke those New Year's resolutions you can start again! This time break those goals down to much smaller pieces, and join a group to help you achieve them. There are big blessings possible with Jupiter in Gemini still retrograde speaking in harmony with the Sun and Moon. This is good news coming your way because of the things you have been learning during Jupiter's retrograde. Look for the article here and the upcoming Astrolesson for more details and the break down by sign.
January 30th - Uranus ends its retrograde that it started September 1st of 2024, just as Pluto was moving back into Capricorn. Since the outer planets spend so much time in retrograde we don't always notice the work. But when planets contact our personal planets and/or change direction the energy becomes more external. If you have planets near 23 degrees especially in the sign of Taurus you may be in for a big surprise! The Sun and Jupiter are in an exact trine, both at 11 degrees this gives us an 11:11 portal of opportunity. The Sun in Aquarius shines a light on your friends and groups you are a part of. Jupiter in Gemini is helping you expand your knowledge. Together you are blessed by a conversation or invitation that has you feeling like you finally belong. Your wishes and desires are coming true!
January 31st - as we finish the month, Venus and Neptune are exactly conjunct at 27 degrees of Pisces, this is lovely and dreamy, creative energy. They are both joined by the North Node and opposite to the South. In order to achieve your dreams you have to let go of the past, stop being so rigid, and have faith in what is possible now.
February Preview - Mercury and the Sun will be Cazimi in the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter will end its retrograde, Venus in pre-shadow of her retrograde that begins March 1st. Mars ends its retrograde on the 23rd, which will feel like a huge weight is lifted. We have the Full Moon in Leo on the 12th and the New Moon in Pisces on the 27th. Looks like another eventful month ahead. Just wait until we get to March!!
Be sure to check out the 2025 overview article for a look at the entire year ahead, at a high level of course. You can see some of the common themes and an outline of what planets are moving and when. Read all about it here.
Love and a Guiding Light!