On June 3, 2023 at 8:41 PM MST there is a Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius at 13 degrees. Full Moon’s bring completion, endings, goals to fullness. What completes is a result of some information the Sun is sharing with you from the sign of Gemini. The Sun’s light is what helps the Moon to come fullness. It creates tension with the Moon so you are highly motivated to complete something related to the sign of Sagittarius as well as the house you have this full moon in your personal chart. You can book a personal reading with me here to find out more.
Sagittarius is the 9th house of the zodiac. It is a fire sign, and what we call mutable. This sign seeks adventure and knowledge non-stop. There is a reason the symbol for Sagittarius includes a bow and arrow. It likes to take off fast at a moments notice. The opposite sign to Sagittarius is Gemini. In comparison this is knowledge that is entry level. Sag energy is at the advanced degree level. If you have strong Sag placements you may love to travel and learn new things, constantly. The 9th house is a house that rules over growth and expansion, and foreign travel and people. These are the themes for your closure goals during this Full Moon. To learn more and connect to the sign of Sagittarius to start your growth journey check out my article here.
The Moon rules over our emotions, when the light is shining brightly from the Sun this puts our feelings in the spotlight. There are those who don’t enjoy the attention, and they tend to act out during the full moon. The Moon in a fire sign bubbles those emotions up like a bit pot of hot water. But it’s the heat that is needed to help you finish this goal in your life. You can be emotionally fulfilled for example for finally finishing off a degree, maybe in Justice as Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius.
There are no other planets closely aligned to the Sun or Moon. But Mars is within 5 degrees and so is Chiron, but one ahead of the Moon by degrees and one behind. Still it’s a lot of fire energy heating up our emotional self. This would be a good few days to plan on working out more, taking on projects that require a lot of physical effort would be good as well. You need to give fire energy something to burn so it doesn’t just burn you up inside. Otherwise we will see a lot of lashing out going on from those who don’t know what to do with all they are feeling inside.
The ruler of the Full Moon, Jupiter is still speaking with the Nodes of fate and destiny. Jupiter expands on your purpose at this time. It is helping you see those things you need to let go of, need to transform as it speaks in opposition to the South Node in Scorpio. It is joined with the North Node in Taurus, pushing you to believe in your self-worth and allow yourself to pursue things that you deserve. Jupiter is a very large planet with a wide energy reach. Since May both Jupiter and the Nodes have been in a tsquare with Pluto. Your transformation journey is a fated one, and cannot be avoided. Part of that work can come to an end at this time.
Pluto in Aquarius is still at 0 degrees, soon to move back into the 29 degree mark of Capricorn. It is important for you to conclude this first phase of your work in the sign of Aquarius. You have gotten to see briefly what is possible, what the future may hold for you. It is time to put a pin in this work and bet ready to pick it back up in 2024. Venus in Cancer is beginning her opposition to Pluto. It begins while Venus is in the sign of Cancer, but will continue for a few days as the planet moves into Leo and is in an exact opposition. This is going to activate again the activity that was rather explosive in mid-May. But Venus is no Mars, and recommends a gentler stand against Pluto. Venus has a lot of work ahead of her as part of her retrograde in the sign of Leo. The planet will be there for several months versus its typical 3 weeks. Pay attention to what is coming up now and it will likely evolve between now and September. Venus is also in a trine with Neptune in Pisces, combining their forces to calm down some of the fire energy. Together they are very dreamy and romantic. This is a good place to escape the heat as well. Create, sing, play music and dance the stress away.
Mercury and Uranus are almost exactly conjunct in the sign of Taurus. This could be a time where new innovations are announced. The stock market could be going a little crazy, crazy good I think, but erratic none the less. Your mind may feel like it’s all over the place. It is a great time to come up with inventions and wild ideas that turn into big money makers. Uranus creates a spark in the mind of Mercury making big wild ideas possible. It can also be a bit crazy making, meaning we could hear some very strange things out of people’s mouths today.
A bit more weirdness comes from Saturn in Pisces while inconjunct with Mars in Leo. The brakes meet the gas, water tries to contain fire, and Mars isn’t going to like it. They also form a pretty wide tsquare with the Full Moon. Whatever you are being pushed to complete at this time isn’t easy, but it is necessary.
Let’s look at what this may mean for you. You can read this for your Sun, Moon or Rising sign. The Rising sign is usually the one you notice the most. However, to know what is going to happen for sure, get to know your chart. Did you know when you join my Sip n Stars group I do personal mini readings with the group? This is a really inexpensive way to get to know your chart and make some new friends. Check out the details here.
Aries – as a fellow Fire sign you appreciate this type of energy. And the 9th house is your Sagittarius house. All the themes mentioned above apply to you. There is a chance you are finishing off a degree of some kind and are ready to head off on a big adventure. With Jupiter in your 2nd house of the money you make, you could be getting a great job as a result.
Taurus – your 8th house is highlighted by the Moon from your 2nd house of the money you make. The 8th rules over the money we get from others. Think side gig or your partner’s income. Perhaps your partner is getting a raise. Or your partner has gained the funds to invest in your company. Jupiter in your first house now is pushing you to grow and expand. You have been facing all kinds of challenges this year with the North Node in your 1st house. Then Mercury retrograde and soon Jupiter, and of course crazy Uranus there for the long haul. This is a great time to complete a major goal on your transformation journey.
Gemini – the 7th house can have you finding the love of your life, or letting someone go who isn’t. If you were to meet someone now they could be from a foreign country, perhaps a pilot. They are highly educated and a go getter. Jupiter is in your 12th house of large institutions so this could be someone that you meet as a result of the work you do, if that work is for a large organization. You may have already met them and now is when you decide to take it to the next level.
Cancer – the 6th house rules over your health and the work you do. It is the energy we like to have as a part of our day to day life. If you are retired then it is the service or volunteer work you do. You may be achieving a major goal where your work is concerned. The Sun is shining a light from your 12th house, so a large organization may be helping you spotlight your personal success. Jupiter is blessing your 11th house of friends and networking groups too. This is likely to be the result of hard work amongst a group you are a part of.
Leo – another of the fire signs you too feel good about this energy. In your 5th house you could be feeling very passionate. This is the house that rules over our romances. One could be starting and it is hot hot hot. If not looking for romance a creative project may be where you are pouring your energy now. The Sun shines a light from your 11th house of friends, one might just be helping you get your work to a new level. With that Jupiter energy in the 10th house of career and fame it could get you a lot of attention too.
Virgo – the 4th house rules over home and family for you. A family member could be either moving in or moving out. Or you could be moving. This would be a good time for big renovation projects to come to an end. The Sun is shining a light from your 10th house of career, showing you how to balance time better between work and family. Jupiter in your 9th house of growth and expansion is offering you some major opportunity, perhaps it is what may cause you to move.
Libra – the 3rd house rules our thinking, communicating and commuting. If you have been writing a book it may be time to publish. This is also a house that rules education, it could be time for you to finish up something you have been studying. With the Sun in your 9th house it is time to take what you have learned and do something major with it. Taurus in your 8th house of other people’s resources could bring in some unexpected financing to help.
Scorpio – the 2nd house rules the money you make. You might be finishing up a job, or getting a new one. You have been doing a lot of letting go, in order to get back on your path. The Sun is in the 8th house of the money you get from other people, it can also be your debts. Perhaps the new job will help you pay those off. In fact, Jupiter in your 7th house of serious relationships could be blessing you with the perfect partner to go into business with.
Sagittarius – this of course is your full moon, the light is fully shining on your now as you accomplish a major personal achievement, such as finishing off a degree. The Sun shines a light from your 7th house of serious relationships. Perhaps now this degree is done you need to plan a trip somewhere fun with your partner. Jupiter is blessing you from your 6th house of the work you do, so sounds like a new job is a result of your new degree.
Capricorn – completions in the 12th house are not always easily seen, as this house rules things that are hidden. This is also large institutions, so there could be a job ending at this time. The Sun is shining a light from your 6th house of the work you do, meaning you want to work for someone where you are allowed to shine. Jupiter blessing you from your 5th house is offering you something you feel much more passionate about.
Aquarius – the 11th house is what you are all about, friends who let you be yourself. You might be making some new one’s or letting some old one’s go. The Sun in your 5th house is lighting up your passion sector. Perhaps a friend could turn into someone you want to date. Jupiter is in your 4th house so maybe this friend could become a new roommate.
Pisces – the 10th house rules your career, it can also rule over your marriage, this is the house that rules your status, and how others see you. You are either ending one or beginning one of the above. The Sun in your 4th house of home and family is shining a light on the needs of your family. Are they being met by your current spouse or career? Jupiter in your 3rd house might suggest you go back to get some more education to help yourself out.
All of the above is just some general forecasts, yours of course is likely different. Just remember to set your intentions for those things you want to easily complete at this time. Work with the element of fire to help add energy to those intentions as well.
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Love and Light,