To finish out the year we have our last Full Moon in the sign of Gemini at around 9:30 PM Mountain time, on the 18th of December, at 27 degrees of the sign. Based on your location this could be the 19th. This is giving us the final wrap up to our Sagittarius/Gemini energy that kicked off with the Nodes in these signs 18 months ago, as well as our standard full moon energy. Big shifts are possible.
A Gemini full moon gives us closure to all things related to communication. How we speak, how we think, what we drive, what role we play in our community. The Sun shines a light from Sagittarius and asks that we keep the bigger picture in mind. That our choices serve more than just the local community. We have to balance thinking big picture with thinking at the local level.
There is a major blessing in this full moon, as it will be trine to Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius, moving forward, but still covering the territory of its retrograde this year. You are ready to move things forward, find your tribe, fit in, grow and expand within your groups. Jupiter is the great teacher and rewards you for being willing to expand your horizons. This makes the Sun in a sextile to Jupiter as well. Our personal success and goals can be achieved with this energy, or you may be rewarded for achieving a goal. The sign of Aquarius rules over our friends and friend groups. It is inventiveness, supporting a cause, the internet and electricity. It’s the perfect time to see announcements of new inventions or technologies.
Important to note is the fact that Venus is conjunct Pluto, standing still, and will turn retrograde the following day. The two are also what we call quincunx or inconjunct with the Moon. There could be some very strange emotional surprises in love, with women in power, and it will just be the beginning for those types of changes, as the retrograde will take until March to fully complete. Similar energy occurred in January of 2020 last year. With that we saw a change in the Royal Family with Harry and Meghan leaving, and we saw the first women VP sworn in along with President Biden in the USA. Those types of changes in power, women in power, are going to be at the forefront, and the Full Moon may just kick this energy off.
The Sun and Moon are moving off their squares with Neptune, but it’s still close enough to cause a bit of deception and misdirection, think women in power and fake news being circulated about them. It’s still in a loose sextile to both Pluto and Venus adding to that misdirection where female’s in power are concerned. On the positive side women inventors or artists could be highlighted in some way, make some sort of announcement, or receive some sort of accolades.
As if that wasn’t enough going on, we are also in the midst of the exact square building, until Christmas day, between Uranus and Saturn. This fight for freedom and independence is still waging on. The lockdown revolts will continue with this energy. Even Mercury and Chiron are at odds about who should be speaking out right now. Chiron in Aries is very independent in its focus, while Mercury in Capricorn is the Government’s voice. Think government contracts or restrictions related to vaccines that are in conflict.
You don’t hear much about the asteroid Hygeia in mainstream astrology, but it is related to health, and it is in a Grand Air Trine with the Moon in Gemini and Jupiter in Aquarius. So maybe we are about to get some good news related to health. Fingers crossed. Of course the trine means we need to apply ourselves and take action for it to come to fruition.
What might you expect based on where this occurs in your personal chart? To find out for sure you will want to book a reading with me here, but the below will give you some general idea. It will be most accurate for those who know their rising sign. If you don’t it is very easy to find out with your birth time and place and using one of the astrological sites like www.astro.com. Since this happens very late in the sign you may want to look at the forecast for the sign before and after yours to see the full picture.
Aries – Gemini rules your 3rd house, so all the things about communication, transportation, even schooling could be ready to come to a conclusion. Jupiter will grant you a blessing from your friend group.
Taurus – the full moon for you happens in your 2nd house of the income you make. You could be making a job change of some kind, perhaps as a result of a change in your partner’s income. Jupiter will grant you a blessing from your 10th house which is your career. Definitely some job change themes for you.
Gemini – this is your first house of course. How you present yourself to the world is ready to be solidified. This happens after you set good boundaries in your relationships and Jupiter grants you a blessing involving some sort of course of study.
Cancer – a full moon in your 12th house can be the removal of a subconscious block, but it can also mean a major ending in your life. The 12th house rules large institutions, psychic abilities, things that are hidden. A contract with a large organization could come to a completion for example. With Jupiter blessing you from the 8th house you could receive that loan you have been waiting on, or your partner could get a raise.
Leo – the 11th house rules your friends, networking groups, and benefactors. You are being asked to completely give yourself to a cause and break out of doing things just for yourself. When you do could see a new partnership formed, or a relationship go to the next level.
Virgo – the 10th house of career and recognition means you could be concluding something related to your career, or receive some special recognition for the hard work you did all year. Since Jupiter is in your 6th house of work as well this is going to have you feeling more positive about your day to day life. If not working this could be health, pets, or being of service to others in some way. The Sun in your 4th house says you need to balance time spent at home vs time spent on work things.
Libra – the 9th house rules foreign countries, higher learning and a connection to spirit. Perhaps your finishing up a degree program of some kind. Maybe ready to make some major move overseas. Jupiter in your 5th house of children and romance and fun is blessing you in this area of your life now. The Sun from your 3rd house is helping you get out and have fun in your local area so it may be hard to tear yourself away from what you know.
Scorpio – the full moon is happening in the 8th house which is the house that Scorpio rules over. Some major transformation is about to come to fruition for you. This could be the result of you making a major change in jobs as well as moving. Jupiter will be in your 4th house blessing the outcome.
Sagittarius – with the Sun in your sign opposing the Moon you’re feeling the pressure like Gemini signs are at a more personal level. Your endings come about with a bit of pressure, and they involve your serious relationships. This could be a partnership either ending or beginning, whichever is for your highest good. It could also be about taking relationships to a new level, communicating more effectively. Jupiter in your 3rd house though should say new contracts being signed and good news coming in.
Capricorn – the full moon is in your 6th house of work, so you may be ready to wrap something up in your daily life. A job change, a new pet, a new health regimen. Since Jupiter is in your 2nd house of the money you make this could be a great unexpected year-end bonus. The Sun from your 12th house says there is something involving a large organization, maybe someone from the past, that is tempting you to make some change.
Aquarius – the air signs are all being blessed by Jupiter this year, but for some growth is hard work. The full moon will be in your 5th house of romance, fun and children. If a romance ends it could be because it is about to get much more serious. That blessing in your 1st house though means you have a chance to achieve a personal goal that you have spent this entire year working on. The Sun in your 11th house is asking you to not forget about your friends as your focus on your romance and personal growth.
Pisces - the full moon is happening in your 4th house of home and family. This could be something involving home and family coming to a conclusion. Moving, a family member moving in or out, something related to your mother being resolved. The Sun shines a light from your 10th house which means career is pushing at you, and that can be pulling you away from home. Jupiter in your 12th house is blessing you with a choice of careers, maybe working for a larger company. It is also asking you to pay attention to those psychic downloads you have been getting.
Set those intentions to work with this full moon energy and call your Jupiter blessing in. Gemini is an Air sign so work with the Air elements, which is writing, speaking, and meditating. You can tune in using my hypnosis for Gemini here.
Love and Light!