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February Monthly Horoscope: Love is in the air!

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Feb 1

A couple joins hands as the woman holds a bouquet of heart shaped balloons.
A couple of lovers hold hands amongst the flowers.

As the month begins we are heavy into Piscean energy. Saturn, the Moon, Neptune, Venus and the North Node, are all aligned. This creates a stellium which intensifies the energy. We will see both Jupiter and Mars, end their retrogrades which began in 2024. Our shocking Full Moon will happen in the sign of Leo, while the New Moon is in the same emotional Piscean energy as that stellium mentioned above. The New Moon is truly the beginning of something potentially life changing for us all.

If you want to be prepared for the incredible month ahead consider signing up for one of my monthly sessions where we break down all the energy based on your natal chart. This way you can be fully prepared for the amazing changes that begin to surface this month in particular. Take a look at your options on my website here.

Daily Predictions

February 1st - Rabbit Rabbit for good luck in the month ahead. We kick of the month with an emotion filled day! Conjunct in Pisces at 28 degrees is the Moon, Neptune, Venus, and the North Node. This means of course they all oppose the South Node. Never have you felt so guided by your intuition to move towards the light. There is something you are moving away from in a big way. It is time to let go of the situations that you have been trying to control for so long now. Time to take a giant leap of faith wherever you have all this energy happening in your chart. If you happen to also have this happening conjunct to one of you personal planets than it's an even bigger opportunity for a new beginning. Listen to your intuition. I also recommend doing something creative, spiritual or artistic, and definitely be around water to call this opportunity in.

February 2nd - Mars is squaring off with Chiron in its home sign of Aries. There is a change underway that can help you heal. It could help the world heal too. However, the conflict that begins now, in order for the healing to occur, takes quite some time to fully be resolved. The eclipse from April 8th, 2024 energy is being activated now. If you didn't let go, if you didn't make the changes, they will be made for you now. Mars in Cancer has been stirring up emotions. That energy will continue until the 23rd, when we can all breathe a sigh of relief that the retrograde will be over. But for now we need to make some changes. And those changes will take until Mars is moving forward and speaks one more time with Chiron for the full healing to occur. We need to consider how we are caring for our self and make the needed changes. Put March 23rd on your calendar as a day for incredible endings. With all the Piscean energy still working together, Neptune, Venus, and the North Node exactly conjunct at 28 degrees of the sign, the answers should be very clear on what needs to be healed. Venus is already pre-shadow for her upcoming retrograde on March 1st, that means you are just beginning to see the current events that you will soon review in-depth.

February 3rd - Jupiter still retrograde, but slowing down to go direct, is now speaking in harmony with Mercury in Aquarius. These two are meeting up at 11 degrees of Gemini and Aquarius, which is 11:11, an opportunity to communicate your wishes and desires. Information may come in today that inspires you to share your knowledge with the world, or at least in your community. You may connect with someone from your past and receive a major offer. The energy is heightened today as a result of Jupiter stationing to go direct. Take advantage of this day. Put yourself out there, make an effort to network with people from your past, especially if looking for a new opportunity in the communications or teaching industry.

February 4th - Finally Jupiter is finished with it's retrograde. It's time to start applying all that we have been learning over the past 5 months. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. It is the energy of the teacher, and it has been challenged to focus on the details while in Gemini. Some big details, some major pieces of information could be brought to the surface as the planet churns in place and makes its forward progress. Mercury is still connected to Jupiter and that heightens the Gemini energy since Mercury is the sign's ruler. Pay close attention to any information that comes your way today, you will need to take action on it, and that action will be big. A woman in a political role could show up in a big way today as well.

February 5th - Venus is still in her pre-shadow phase. She started moving forward over the territory that she will revisit back on January 29th. Now she moves on from Pisces the sign she loves to indulge in, and has to shift into the sign of Aries. This starts a time where we are very focused on what we want. What is it we love, and how we are going about getting it. You have between now and March 1st to identify what that is, and then the real work to get just that, will begin. Of course Mars, Venus's lover according to mythology, is the ruler of Aries. This can be a time of great love and passion. Lovers may take center stage. Just keep in mind a lover from the past showing up now means you have work to do. Make sure the work moves you forward, it doesn't just have you repeating mistakes from the past.

February 6th - Venus in Aries meets up with Pluto in the sign of Aquarius in a sextile. This is supportive energy, although Venus is not a fan of Pluto. It can bring intensity to our relationships, personal and businesswise. It can help unite us with our tribe, we can make powerful network connections. Put yourself out there if looking for love. Mars, the lover, is making a lot of connections with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, with Saturn and with Chiron. A love started now would definitely be challenging. So it might be best to just 'experiment' with love in some way, don't worry about a life long commitment just yet.

February 7th - Neptune and the North Node are finally exactly conjunct. This is the passing of the baton moment I talked about in my 2025 overview. If you haven't watched that yet, check it out here. Neptune is our dreams and the North Node is our fate. Something about your hopes and dreams may come to be as these two meet somewhere in your natal chart. Especially impactful if you have planets in the later degrees of the sign of Pisces. There is some pressure to let go of the past and follow your true north path as both oppose the South Node in Virgo.

February 9th - Cazimi! Bless you. Is that a big sneeze from the internet or just Mercury and the Sun conjunct in the sign of Aquarius? I expect there to be crazy electronic events on this day, maybe even for a few days leading up to, or after this day. And if traveling be careful, especially as both of these planets are in a square that is building with Uranus in Taurus. The planet of surprise and the unexpected only just started moving forward on January 29th. It is breaking us free from unions and groups that no longer serve us. There could be some challenges with NATO at this time. But the Moon in Cancer is sitting next to Mars and they are both speaking in harmony with Saturn. Some strong alliances are being created even as others are breaking up. This day will be intense. Don't forget to breathe.

February 10th - whatever the conflict that arose back at the first of the year as Mars and Pluto were facing off, the Moon in Leo is reviving in some way. Emotions are still running high and the energy is still very chaotic. Transportation is likely being disrupted if not down right difficult. I think it could be somewhat like the outage we saw on a major airline on Christmas Eve here in America. Plan accordingly. If you don't absolutely have to travel, I wouldn't. Mercury and Uranus are in their exact square and that is very accident prone energy. Weird weather is possible as well.

February 12th - we have a very dramatic full Moon in the sign of Leo occuring while the ruler, the Sun, is in an exact square to Uranus, and opposite the Moon of course. Emotionally today is going to be intense and bring up some kind of dramatic ending. You will feel the impacts the most if you have planets in the fixed signs around 23 degrees. Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, prepare to make some unexpected changes. Everyone always asks me is it good change or bad change. And I always answer that depends on how you deal with unexpected changes.

Mercury in Aquarius is having an odd conversation with the South Node in the sign of Virgo. Something about the past is getting exposed. Could be someone who manipulated the internet or transportation system, communication systems, is getting exposed, and there will be karma to pay. With the Moon also in a weird conversation with the North Node and Neptune in Pisces, it is possible a Leader and their deception is exposed. Much more to come on the details in the full moon write up. Here.

February 14th - Happy Valentine's day! Communication will be extra heartfelt and feelings will be expressed lovingly with Mercury, pre-shadow mind you, in the sign of Pisces now. So both Venus and Mercury are pre-shadow showing us something we will have to review at the same time as soon as we get into March! Oy Vey! The Moon in Virgo is meeting up with the Nodes, so whatever we are feeling it's fated, and there are lessons involved.

February 15th - speaking of fate, the Sun in Aquarius is speaking at that odd angle the Quincunx, to the South Node in Virgo. If someone was being controlling or manipulative in the past they could be held accountable now. Also with Mars starting to slow down to end its retrograde on the 23rd, things might feel like they are literally moving in slow motion. Don't try to rush or push anything through during this window of time. You will want to take things slow and steady for the next several days at least.

February 18th - Welcome to Pisces season, as the Sun moves here for the next month, we shine a light on artistry, music, and spirit. The house you have the Sun in now will shine brightly with the energy of intuition and insight. This could be a great time to try out my hypnosis for the sign of Pisces. Read the article for more details about the sign and download the free session here.

February 20th - finally we had a few days of inactivity, sort of. Now though, we see Mercury in Pisces squaring off with Jupiter in Gemini, still at 11 degrees where these two met up back when Mercury was in Aquarius. There may have been some commitments made that you haven't followed through on yet. Now is the time where the changes will have to be made. Remember whenever Mercury, which rules transportation and communication is in a square, both will be difficult. Plan accordingly. This time take full advantage of the 11:11 portal and make the change.

February 23rd- As Mars slows down to turn direct it is joined with Mercury in the sign of Pisces, we may hear some good news today! Mars ending its retrograde is already some good news, but there will be more. Something hidden may be revealed. Positive in nature as these two planets that create movement are speaking in a trine to one another. This is news and information you need to take swift action on.

February 24th - there is this tiny sliver of opportunity to move something forward before all the retrograde and eclipse energy kicks off on March 1st. I like to tell people when you are in the energy of retrogrades to do things that you consider a 'pilot'. It's something you want to try out, gather data, and be ready to refine, then relaunch after the retrogrades end. Keep that in mind if that is you. With Mercury meeting up with Saturn, in the sign of Pisces, you are being handed the blueprint for success. Be sure to follow it step by step!

February 26th - Mercury is marching forward with its orders from Saturn and now meets up with Uranus, for some financial breakthroughs, or financial planning that could create an unexpected windfall. The Moon however, in Aquarius, is squaring with Uranus, so expect some emotional surprises as well.

February 27th - this is your launch day with your 'pilot' program with the Sun and Moon meeting in the sign of Pisces at 9 degrees, during a 9 year. This new Moon squares to Jupiter in Gemini, as it is moving forward full speed ahead now. There is a change in direction because of something you learn. This is the only aspecting planet so it is important and taking up all the attention. Jupiter was also considered the ruling planet of Pisces before Neptune's discovery, again adding more power and influence to the square. There is a big change for the collective as well. A needed and necessary change. Much more details on this in the new moon write up here. And don't forget to use the New Moon worksheet to help you plan.

February 28th - as we wrap up the month the Sun and Jupiter continue their difficult conversation. Remember Jupiter is the planet of blessings, but we need to learn the lesson in order to reap the rewards. Venus is at a standstill preparing to go retrograde. All that work you have been doing or all that new territory you have been exploring, it's time to go back and revisit it until April 12th! Venus retrogrades in the same sign once every 8 years, so you may see things repeating that you first explored in 2017. Since it is not a leap year that's a wrap for February!

March Preview - Venus begins her retrograde on March 1st as she snuggles up with the Moon in the sign of Aries. Whatever you need to review let your emotions be your guide. Remember Venus will also cross over into the sign of Pisces again as part of her journey. Before you can have that new beginning there are some loose ends you need to tie up. Mercury will kick off the month speaking in harmony with the North Node. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will happen in the sign of Virgo, that means it's the beginning of eclipse season! That lunar eclipse happens at 14 degrees of Virgo. Then the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse is going to knock something or someone out of your way on March 29th at 9 degrees of Aries. We have lots to explore in the month of March be sure to come back, subscribe, and read all about it. Plus I will have my weekly content out there to listen to so make sure you are subscribing to my YouTube content as well. Definitely take advantage of the Eclipse Reading special offer! You won't know what hit you if you don't. Find it on my homepage here.

Love and a Guiding Light!


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