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Energycast Feb 27, 2019

Writer: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Woot Woot for Wednesday!!! We are almost halfway through the week and unbelievably almost done with February. Our need to take action before we wrap up this month remains strong, but so does our need to go within for answers. This type of conflicting energy might have you feeling a bit stressed.

Our general energy card is The High Priestess, number 2 in the Major Arcana. This is the energy that causes us to pause before we take any type of action, or at least it should. Listen carefully for this quiet little voice that is trying to get your attention before you do or say something that takes you off your path.

The love energy is Miracles and Blessings. Expect the unexpected today and watch for little signs of miracles all around you. If you get stuck in anything that keeps you from your happiness then today pause and look for something that is a sign from above, something that exists even just in nature that tells you there is a higher power at work. When you accept that, you will see things magically unfold for you.

The action/advice card is from the Goddess Iris, who represents Communication. This card is a repeat of the High Priestess card, so there is definitely an important message from the Universe for you today. In addition this Goddess will bless you either with the ability to deliver or receive an important communication that impacts your life and goals in a positive way.

The numerological energy is still a 1. There is something important that we hear today that we will need to take action on and start something brand new.

The astrological energy has the Sun in a sextile with Mars, which will last through the weekend. Mars energy can really push us to achieve our goals. You just need to tap into it. You have to take the steps, but you will find once you do, that things will fall into place easily. Additionally Jupiter is conjunct the Moon throughout the day. Jupiter brings us good fortune, but he also expands everything he touches to help us grow. Since the Moon represents our emotions this energy can get a little tricky. Choose to expand your emotions in a positive way, say the things you have been meaning to say. Tap into your intuition so you know the difference between fear and love. Regardless of what you are feeling you will feel it in a big way!

Love and Light!


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