December preview – As the month begins we are experiencing the effects of a New Moon In Sagittarius, for PST folks it officially happened on the 30th of November. Mercury will end its retrograde on the 15th right as the Full Moon in Gemini happens, which Mercury is the ruler of. That means this ending has something to do with whatever your retrograde journey has been about. Chiron will end its retrograde on the 28th. Then the last New Moon of the year is in Capricorn, on the 30th. And then we will be ringing in another New Year, as the Nodes change signs! Wow that will be a January to remember. But before we get to that let’s see what the whole month has in store for us.
If you want to be fully prepared for 2025, join my Free Webinar Saturday December 7th! And if you are ready to invest in yourself, check out my Special Offer for 2025 both can be found Here The special offer is a 2 hour session where we review the major impacts the planets will have on your life. We cover where the planets will be throughout the year, where they retrograde, the new moons, full moons, and those pesky Eclipses. You will get to record the session and get a worksheet to keep, that shows you all the critical dates.
December 1st – it’s our last Rabbit Rabbit of the year to start the month off with some good luck! The New Moon in Sagittarius occurred very early this morning for the East Coast and very late yesterday for the West Coast. That new beginning requires you to make a change, or at least be responsible with the change, as both the Sun and Moon are square to Saturn in Pisces, now going direct. To get the full details and breakdown by sign check out the full article here.
December 2nd – Venus in Capricorn is now in an exact trine with Uranus, retrograde in Taurus. There could be surprises in love and finances. Might you be feeling a sudden urge to break free from it all? Take a breath before you do something you might regret. But if needing some inspiration on what to do in these areas this might just be your day. Mercury retrograde is speaking in harmony with Chiron retrograde. This can have you thinking about something painful in order to heal.
December 4th – Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini, this is the second time they meet in each other’s home signs. They have something important to share, an idea is taking shape. It’s not quite ready yet, wait until their final meetup after Mercury heads forward again in a few weeks.
December 6th – the Sun and Saturn are exact in their square that began at the New Moon. This is an ego check, as in yours needs to be contained. If you have not been achieving success the right way, you may get course corrected today. Saturn rules time and karma among many things, and today you might just get a wake up call. Mercury is also going to be Cazimi with the Sun, aka conjunct, and square Saturn. Something could literally blow your mind today. With this also being the day that Mars goes retrograde in the sign of Leo, until Feb 23, 2025, perhaps it is some leader’s behavior that is questioned. We will have a long time to see how this will unfold. For clues think about how Mars has been influencing you since the New Moon Solar Eclipse in October. That is just about the time Mars was in its pre-shadow phase, showing you what the work would be about. Mars is our drive and motivation, our need to take action. That action goes inward now, slows things down. You might be dragging as this planet changes direction. Or you might be really amped up as the planet puts out a lot of energy as it changes direction. Either way, you need to expend some energy to stay in balance.
December 7th – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is going to include Venus moving into the sign of Aquarius and conjunct to Pluto, and Neptune stationing to go direct. What fears do you have around love or finances? Where can you use some secret power to deal with those fears? Pluto is now making a positive aspect to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, this will last through the end of the year. This gives you the strength you need to do the work, to rebalance your needs, with the needs of others. Neptune gives you all the faith you need. January this all shifts, as the nodes head into Virgo and Pisces, so take advantage of the help right now.
December 8th – we have a tsquare as the Sun in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini and both are square to Saturn in Pisces, conjunct the Moon. This is what I call a crunchy day. The exit point to the pressure is that Moon and Saturn energy. So, whatever this is for you it is going to take some serious faith to get through it. Something you thought you knew is not what it appeared to be all along. This can be tied to the work you have been doing to affect change as directed by Jupiter and Saturn since they first met in August in this square. This is an important check in point on your progress. There can be a huge emotional release happening on this day for the collective as well.
December 10th – Venus is now exact in her trine to the South Node in Libra, a sign she rules over. Love from the past may be coming up for some healing. Lessons in love can help you heal. This also means Venus is sextile to the North Node. Will you finally learn to just love yourself? Fate knows the answer and soon you will too.
December 11th – speaking of healing, the Sun in Sagittarius is trine to Chiron in Aries. Something you learned in the past can help you succeed now. You have all the confidence you need to go big places. Remember confidence is created by you, by acting confidently you become more confident.
December 12th – the lovers of the zodiac are fighting as Venus in Aquarius is now opposite to Mars, which is now retrograde in the sign of Leo. This could be a lover’s spat from the past. Or this could be Mars reminding you of the things you love, and helping you to stop doing what others love for you. It is a time where you need to balance the energy of I versus We. This is also a time for balancing the masculine with the feminine, the Yin with the Yang. Mercury is sextile to Venus, while trine to Mars. There might be a lot that needs to be said to clear up this argument from the past. You will have a few days with these 3 connected to figure it all out.
December 15th – Mercury will station to go direct, just after the Full Moon in Gemini happens. Gemini rules the mind, communication, transportation, I also notice people who work with their hands have strong Gemini energy. The Full Moon brings something to completion involving these types of topics. If you have been writing a book you may be ready to publish it, but wait a bit longer. The Sun will be in weird aspect to Uranus, creating unexpected surprises. A better time will be when Mercury is clear of its retrograde. There is lot to cover on this one. Check out the full article with forecasts by zodiac sign, here.
December 18th – the Sun in Sagittarius is squaring off with Neptune in Pisces, there may be a challenge to what you thought you knew. Your faith may be challenged as well. Maybe your creative gifts need to change direction. The Moon will be conjunct to Mars in Leo and trine to Mercury in Sagittarius. Trust your intuition, not your ego, on what changes are needed now. Most importantly follow where your heart leads you.
December 19th – it looks like you made the right choice as Venus in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini, still retrograde, join in harmony to bless you in some way. Jupiter is expanding on something from the past. Could be some project you worked on in the past that is ready to be launched now. A financial reward is possible, especially if the work helps others. This is air energy which means good news is on the way.
December 20th – it’s the Winter Solstice, where we have the shortest day of the year, equal parts day and night. That means the Sun is moving into Capricorn. Happy Birthday to all the Capricorn Sun’s out there. If you think of this day as a snapshot of the next 3 months it looks like change is needed. We have a brief tsquare between Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon in Virgo. Jupiter is the way out of that one, think bigger picture about the tension created right now. The Sun is also going to be in a tsquare to the Nodes for the next several days. How you define financial success may also need to change. Pluto is still helping behind the scenes as it is in positive aspect to the nodes. Lot’s to navigate on this day. Lean into staying in your own power.
December 23rd – that undercurrent of pressure on your ego, gets bigger as the Sun is now exactly square to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. If you have let a relationship define you for far too long, now is the time to make your break. The holidays could be adding pressure to the situation. Are you too tied up in your reputation or your career? Is it time for a big career. change? Is it time for a big political change? Time will tell.
December 24th – Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate. Venus in Aquarius and the Moon in Libra will try to bring some love to the family and friends gatherings. Venus and Chiron are making a sextile to help some healing to happen. But just remember there is a time and place and if the energy feels to intense plan to give yourself an early release card. Especially as that square between Jupiter and Saturn is exact once again!
December 25th – Merry Christmas! The energy is all over the place today. Make sure you know how to go to your happy place internally. Detach from any drama that is going on around you and try to remember what the season of giving is all about. Mars and Pluto are now both positively aspecting the Nodes, which puts a whole lot of pressure on you to make positive changes. You have to act, you have to face your fears. No one else can do the work for you. Try not to eat too much Christmas goodies as a way of coping. The sugar hangover will not be worth it.
December 26th – so you didn’t listen?? Yah that tension is real. Saturn in Pisces is squaring with Jupiter still, and now and Mercury. Saturn is the exit point so that requires a lot of constraint, new structures, maybe a whole lot of faith. The Moon in Scorpio always makes things intense, and it will be speaking in harmony with Saturn, while squaring to Mars in Leo, helping us tune into our intuition, to know what action to take, to get through the tension. This lasts for several days.
December 28th – Venus in Aquarius is squaring off with Uranus, both at 23 degrees of their signs, which happens to be the home sign of each planet. So while this is square there is some kind of understanding reached, as a result of something changing. There is a lot pushing at you to make change happen. Mars and Pluto are starting an extended opposition, that last occurred when Mars was here the first time in early November. This is the next stage in that story. What was showing up for you in November? The opposition has changed signs from Cancer/Capricorn to Aquarius/Leo. Where are you feeling the pressure? Chiron stations to go direct after its very long retrograde. Are you ready to heal? Do you feel more confident and ready to focus on your needs?
December 30th – the positive contact to the Nodes from Pluto in Aquarius is now exact as the planet hits 1 degree, along with the Nodes. The Nodes are actually at 111, an Angel number of new beginnings. Pluto known for rebirth, letting things die that no longer serve us. A portal of fated change is opening, all you need to do is step through. It’s brief so don’t delay. At the same time this is forming a Mystic Rectangle during this New Moon in Capricorn. Lots to cover in the full article here.
December 31st – as we end the year Mercury is moving forward and speaking in harmony with Chiron, also moving forward. It’s time to take what you learned and apply it. It’s time to heal. It’s time to take ownership of your life. The Nodes are now at 0 degrees, the end of the journey between Aries, the self, and Libra, your relationships. The energy of Zero is like the Fool card in Tarot, it’s time for a whole new journey, time for a leap of faith. You have this window between now and 111, January 11th. Your Angels are guiding you, all you have to do is show up because something new is dawning.
January 2025 Preview – as the year begins Mars in retrograde, at 1 degree of Leo is now exactly opposing Pluto in Aquarius. The battle for what I want versus what others want is at peak intensity. This is based on something a leader did in the past. That is Mars in Leo. Pluto in Aquarius is some group in power that is trying to take that leader down. Will the transition of power be challenged again in the USA? The Nodes change signs on the 11th, opening a new chapter in our lives that lasts the next 18 months, between the signs of Pisces and Virgo. We last saw this in 2004-2005. What themes were you working on then? We will see a Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th, the New Moon in Aquarius happens on January 29th. See the full 2025 preview here.
Love and a Guiding Light