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Daily Horoscope June 23, 2019

Writer: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Our energy today is opening us up to new beginnings in all areas!

The general energy card is the Empress. It is a day where we are giving birth to something. This is usually tied to our creativity, which means I am going to have to give in and get back to my youtube channel work. So how will this show up for you? Tap into a creative project you have had on the back burner? Get the paint brushes out? How about singing? You will find lots of inspiration around you for anything you want to create and it will go well!

The relationship energy is New Life! Yay! And a card we have never seen before. There is a whole new life in store for you in your relationships. And if you work on creating something new together even better, as this will bond you. This is starting a new relationship as well as a new beginning in an existing relationship. It feels like a fresh breath of air, and it is truly fabulous!

The Goddess energy is Isis, speaking of Rebirth. Hmmm I am sensing a theme in our cards for Sunday. In order to experience our new birth, we may need to let something die that has been holding us back. You cannot keep hanging onto something that is dead. Well you can, but it gets really smelly and people will likely check you into a mental health facility so for the sake of yourself and others please let this thing that is beyond dead, die already! You know like your fear of being on a youtube channel or something else really silly like that. Shut it Universe. Whatever is holding you back this is the day to commit to letting it go once and for all. Rip this bandaid off and let the healing begin.

The Numerological energy is surprise a 3. Seriously the creative energy is overflowing, take advantage of it.

Astrological energy making us all creative? It's the Tsquare. When Jupiter opposes Venus the outlet point is Neptune. This is our creative energy when used properly. This is our escapist energy when used improperly. Someone this week was talking about imbibing (aka drinking) and you will have the tendency to use this to escape. Word of caution if this is an area of weakness for you, just don't. Instead tap into the creative side of Neptune. Use this energy to begin something new, to create art, music, a beautiful garden. Do some redecorating even. Just be cautious because you don't need to spend a lot of money to create, but you might feel like you want to! Journal or write a story about the life you want to create. Become the star of your own movie and create your happily ever after. You deserve it.

Love and Light


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