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August Monthly Horoscope 2023

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

The month begins with Pluto still in an exact square to the North and South Node. We also have a YOD formation between Neptune, Venus and the South node, this will be active for some time too. We will have a Full Moon in Aquarius, a New Moon in Leo and another Full Moon, a Blue Moon, in Pisces. Adding even more to the month is the Mercury retrograde and Uranus retrograde. If you want some extra help navigating the month be sure and join my Sip n Stars group where we focus on manifesting with the New Moon and discuss all the astrology of the month. Join us here. Venus is retrograde the entire month, and to help I am offer a free webinar on Saturday July 29th at 10 am PT. Sign up to learn how to navigate this unique love transit by going here.

August 1st – Rabbit Rabbit! We may need some good luck to create some closure and finish a goal with the Full Moon in Aquarius kicking off the month. The Moon will be at about 9 degrees of Aquarius, while the Sun is happy in its home sign of Leo, at the same degree. You are bringing something to completion that involves Aquarius themes. This energy is about inventiveness, uniqueness, finding your tribe. This is an air sign, and it connects us in ways we cannot see, such as over the internet. This sign rules over the 11th house, which is about our friends and networking groups. No other planets directly aspect the Sun or Moon. But the fact we have a YOD, a t-square with the Nodes, and Mars and Jupiter in a trine, means there are big endings that will occur now and they are fated. I will go more in depth in the article here.

August 4th – Mercury enters its shadow phase at 8 degrees of Virgo, a sign it rules over. This is where the details matter and you want to pay close attention to what is showing up for you now. The retrograde will begin on the 23rd and last until September 14th. Venus is already retrograde, and Jupiter begins to slow down as it will begin its retrograde on September 4th, just as Venus ends hers. These are personal planets, Venus and Mercury, they affect our daily life in significant ways. This is a good time to keep a journal.

August 5th – the Nodes move to 27 degrees of the signs of Libra and Aries, which means the exact square to Pluto is ending. The square will remain for a bit longer but as it starts to fade the fated changes begin to settle in. Pluto in Capricorn is about the power and fear we have related to money and government. The Nodes in Aries and Libra are teaching us lessons about losing ourselves in relationships that do not serve us, and about pursuing our personal goals. Neptune is now exactly in a quincunx or inconjunct angle to the South Node. Truths may come to the surface and justice may be served in an unusual way. Perhaps on a public stage, past partnerships begin to unravel.

August 9th – Venus and Uranus are in a square again, as part of the retrograde activity. This is the 2nd part of the story being revealed to you. This is something that needs to change where your values, love or money are concerned. Venus also rules over beauty and this retrograde is not the time to make any drastic changes where beauty is concerned. Uranus can bring unexpected results to any type of beauty treatment. Mercury is in a trine to Jupiter today at 14 degrees of Virgo and Taurus. This could bring some really important information to your attention today. It was back in April/May that Mercury was where Jupiter is now. There is something they have to share in order to help you on your path of self-discovery.

August 10th – as Mars and Chiron speak today at a Quincunx angle, which is quite odd, there is a chance for some strange medical issue to arise. Neptune in Pisces, which also rules medicine and mental health, still speaking in that same odd angle to the South Node, could bring something like the topic of Covid back up again. Mars is with Mercury in Virgo, this is a sign that rules over our health. Perhaps there will be new information about the origins of the Covid virus that we can take some kind of action on.

August 12th – the Sun now joins with Chiron in a trine, this brings positive news where health and healing is concerned. The topic is not done yet, but Mars is beginning to move on from the conversation having started what needed to be started.

August 13th – Venus and the Sun meet at 20 degrees of Leo, making Venus Cazimi. This is a rebirth for Venus, and all topics in your life that are Venus ruled. A cycle is ending that began in 2015 when these two last met in this sign. They are both still in a positive aspect to Chiron, so there is some sort of major healing occurring at this time. Lead with love in order to heal this pain.

August 15th – Mars and Uranus combine forces in the earth signs which could bring an actual earthquake or some kind of volcanic action. So just be careful when traveling. The aspect is positive, but the energy is very unstable. Mars is not happy in an earth sign and behaves terribly. Since the Sun is also exactly square to Uranus in the fire sign of Leo, the heat is on. Think lightning strikes that start fires. This is a good day to stay close to home and be cautious. Major accidents are possible.

August 16th – the New Moon in Leo happens at 23 degrees of the sign where the Sun and Moon are joining together. Leo rules our romantic life, our children, our passions, our hobbies, things that speak to the heart. This new beginning isn’t easy since both are square to Uranus. There is surprise and volatility that comes along with these new beginnings. It could be time to shock the system or your heart, maybe even literally. Love could sweep you off your feet with someone from the past, with the positive aspect the Nodes are making to the Sun and Moon. There is even a wide grand earth trine happening. That means this is something you have to take action on in order to see this new beginning show up in your life. More details on this in my article here. And don’t forget to sign up for my Sip n Stars event to get fully prepared, here.

August 19th – the Sun is now exactly trine the North Node in Aries and sextile the South Node in Libra. This may be when you start to see elements of those new moon wishes coming into your reality. Mars has continued to spurn Uranus on, but is now beginning to move on from their extended conversation. But expect a few more days of unsettled energy. Perhaps this is what you need to motivate you to take a giant leap of faith.

August 20th – today is going to be a very weird day. We have so many planets inconjunct one another today. The Sun is now in a YOD at that point in Leo that keeps getting activated by every planet that passes by. This point is also in a trine with the Galactic Center, meaning there is something major that is trying to be birthed. This is now the 4th planet activating this point and Venus will come back to it one more time. Whatever this is, its major and again we have work to do. The Sun is inconjunct with Pluto and Neptune, who are still in their very long extended sextile, both are retrograde now as well. This work is not new, it is based on the past. Pluto and Neptune are both trying to show you something below the surface that if you only knew or would pay attention to, would help you in your mission. A YOD that is activated by 4 different planets is a big deal. This mission from God isn’t something you can ignore. Take a close look at where you have this 26-28 degrees of Leo in your chart, the work there is important for you to do. And pay attention to any natal planets you have at those degrees, they to are being activated.

August 21st – Mars in now exactly inconjunct to the North Node as it opposes Neptune in Pisces. The North Node in Aries, is ruled by Mars. This fated path for the next 18 months requires you to be brave and willing to fight for yourself. It requires you to create healthy boundaries too. You will be shown where you are giving your power away and be asked to do something about it. As the Moon sits next to the South Node in Libra you are going to sense where you need to be and/or where you don’t belong. Especially since Venus is now square to Jupiter. This change you have to make in relationships is going to be the work of Jupiter during its retrograde from September through the end of the year. It’s big work, life changing even.

August 22nd – as the Sun hits the last degree of Leo it will activate the eclipse point from April, in a positive way. Have you moved on, released what needed to be released? If so, this can help you create something new that you are very passionate about. With Venus and Jupiter in an extended square you are supported to make major changes, choosing yourself over others, or other’s priorities for you.

August 23rd – welcome to Virgo season, and happy birthday to all you Virgo’s out there. Things may feel a bit heavy as we have 3 fire ruled planets in earth signs, slowing and weighing us down. Virgo likes a lot of structure, time to think things through, and get organized. Very boring for fiery planets, Sun, Mars and Jupiter who is still in earth sign, Taurus. Mercury, ruler of Virgo, is turning retrograde in the sign today as well. This is not the time to rush. In fact, if you try you will just create chaos, and have a lot of accidents. This is the perfect time to slow down, to schedule time out in nature, to rework things. This is a great time to revisit topics related to health especially alternative ways to healing. Mercury speaks in harmony with the Moon and Uranus as it slows down. You can have some pretty incredible ideas at this time, then you will spend the next 3 weeks exploring them. This is very inventive and creative energy.

August 25th – Mars and Pluto meet up at 28 degrees of Virgo and Capricorn. Big things can happen when these two powerhouses join forces. Pluto is the power behind the scenes, Mars is the front man. You may feel empowered to take action, but make sure you don’t skip over all the details first. Mercury is spewing out a lot of details and as it changes direction and you don’t want to miss a single one.

August 26th – the Sun and Saturn are in a face off from the signs of Virgo and Pisces respectively. Sun in Virgo is creating major boundaries and has a lot of control issues going on. Saturn in Pisces continues to show you where your boundaries are weak. It does not appreciate being shown what to do by the Sun, so this is a bit of a crunchy day. But trust your intuition because the Moon is trying to play peacemaker as it is in positive aspect to both Saturn and the Sun from the sign of Capricorn. The Moon does not like the energy here, but both the Sun and Saturn do. Mars is also now at 29 degrees of Virgo, so the need for control is so intense. Make sure you are not being the one who is so overbearing no one wants to be around you.

August 27th – for the next 6 weeks Mars will be in the sign of Libra, and this can make our desire to be in a relationship very strong. Business partnerships can become very active too. Our desire to relate to others is on steroids. Just be sure you don’t make a poor choice just because you don’t like to be alone. Also this may be a time where the Justice system is on the attack.

August 30th – Mercury in Virgo is speaking with Chiron in Aries. You may learn some information in a strange way that helps you heal an old wound. The two are inconjunct one another so we could also be hearing a lot of weird information about, or from the health industry. With the Moon also inconjunct to Mars in Libra as it sits in the sign of Pisces, there is all kinds of health topics being surfaced. Best to not overreact and make sure you have the full picture here. Speaking of the full picture, we have our second full moon of the month. The Moon is at 7 degrees of Pisces, close by with Saturn, retrograde, while the Sun is at 7 degrees of Virgo. The sign of Pisces is the 12th house, the last house, it represents endings. Something major in your life will come to a conclusion, represented by the house you have this new moon happening in. Saturn makes this ending hard to do, but necessary. More on this of course in my full article here. The endings now are actually a blessing, even if it doesn't seem like it in the moment.

September preview – after coming off the energy of the Full Moon it’s not a surprise we have a lot of endings to deal with. Venus ends her retrograde on the 3rd. Jupiter begins its on the 4th. Mercury will end its retrograde on the 14th, at the time of the New Moon in Virgo, which it rules over. This suggests the work you did during the Mercury retrograde is leading to this new beginning. Last but not least, we will have a full moon in the sign of Aries on the 29th. Then dare I say it, in October we start the eclipses up again! More on all of this in the September horoscope. Of course if you want to prepare early book a session with me here.

Thank you for reading.

Love and Light,


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