I have a few specials to talk about before we get into this Full Moon drama. First if you want to know how to best work with the energy of the Moon you can download my workbook which is very detailed and guides you through every new and full moon we have the rest of the year. Check it out on my website here.
Secondly if all the stress is getting to you but you don’t want to pay for an individualized hypnosis session I am doing my first ever group session on August 27th at the time of the New Moon. Sign up for this event at an extremely discounted rate here. Just $27 to align with the energy from the date of the New Moon! Virgo is the sign that rules our sixth house and our health. This is a great day to get yours back in balance.
At approximately 5:45 pm Pacific time, on the 11th of August, we will have a Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius, and it is going to be intense. Once again, we are activating a Grand Cross with the Nodes and Uranus. A lot of pressure to bring about a change, especially in surprising, unexpected yet fated, ways. A Grand Cross means we have 4 planets in the shape of a square all pressing against one another. The Nodes being involved makes this a non-standard cross because the nodes are just a point in the sky around the Moon and not an actual physical planet. However, the energy of the nodes is as real as it can get.
With a Full Moon in Aquarius we are needing to bring balance to the Me and We energy. It can’t just be all about me, Sun in Leo. And it can’t just be all about what is good for the group, Moon in Aquarius. As with all Full Moon’s the Sun shines a light on the Moon, bringing it and our emotional goals to fullness. One cannot exist without the other. Instead of our ego self outshining everyone it is shining it’s light on others. The Sun is at home in the sign of Leo. It is shining brightly, focused on fun, and laughter, and joy. It also feels happy and likes to be in the limelight. So perhaps having to share it with the Moon brings a little competition which causes some unrest. We can all do a better job of sharing our success it says. Leo is also the sign of a strong leader. Something about your leadership skills could be used to help a group achieve their goals.
Goals you set six months ago with the New Moon in Aquarius may be ready to come to completion now. Feb 1st you may have set intentions for new beginnings. Aquarius rules the internet, so perhaps you launched a business that is virtual in nature. This might take it to the next level. Or maybe you have been doing all the behind the scenes work and now are ready for a big launch. Keep in mind whatever you launch on a day like today is born with this energy, so unless you want to always be under pressure and shaking things up with what you do, proceed with caution. It you want to go out somewhere with a bang then this is your day. Just don’t do that in the literal sense.
In Aquarius the Moon gets emotional security from being a part of something bigger than itself. From belonging and being a part of a tribe, from being connected. Saturn is conjunct the Moon which suggest there will be some emotional power struggles going on. Definitely some emotional work to do. Saturn is authority figures, like our father or grandfather. It is a planet that rules, karma, time and structure. Depending on how you feel emotionally when working with this heavy serious energy, you may or may not enjoy this planet’s support. The Moon is also considered feminine energy, opposing the masculine energy of the Sun in Leo. This could be the story of two political leaders having a major meltdown on the world stage, or it could play out in your own life this way.
Saturn has been in Aquarius for what feels like forever now, but it spends typically 2 ½ years in every sign. It takes 29 years for Saturn to return to each sign in the Zodiac. Over these next few months, it is playing out the final battle with Uranus in Taurus, who is the modern-day ruler of Aquarius. They have been in a square since 2021 and it is about to come to a climactic end. Saturn as the ruler of Aquarius in traditional astrology, wants control over the people. Uranus wants freedom. This is a classic battle and it has been showing up in various ways with government restrictions against the ‘people’ since 2021 in earnest. Uranus in Taurus wants financial freedom. The freedom to love whomever it wants too. Saturn has been restricted that freedom, and by the time of the eclipse energy at the end of October we shall see who comes out the victor.
While the Sun, Moon and Saturn oppose one another they form 2 t-squares, which then creates the Grand Fixed Cross. We call energy fixed because it is in Zodiac signs that are not known for being very flexible. Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo are all very determined signs, and they like things a particular way. But which way is the question this full moon event is asking. The South Node portion of this Fixed Cross in Scorpio says that our karmic past matters now. Something about the past may be what instigates a huge uprising. The North Node with Uranus in Taurus, is our destiny calling in an unusual way. Mars has been in Taurus with the North Node and Uranus, since the beginning of the month, giving you hints of what changes are needed. Now those changes need to be acted upon.
The question on the table is are you going to break free of what has been holding you back or not? You always have a choice in how you will respond to the energy that is currently present. Mars will be in a trine to Pluto so this can be quite an explosion of power. Would be great if this would be used for something good. The last time these two were conjunct in Capricorn was in March of this year, which brought the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The last time these two powerhouses met in a trine was when Mars was in Virgo, September of 2021, which was about the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn which rules governments. When Mars in Taurus adds money to Pluto’s power big shakeups can happen. Regimes can also come to a close in an explosive way. If you don’t like power struggles this energy will likely make you uncomfortable. This is a really good time to pay attention to your triggers but not to over react to them. You can use any of my self-hypnosis sessions to help you calm down. You can find them here.
On a personal level you want to use your power for good of course. This may give you the courage to tackle a task that has always seemed super daunting, but now you can overcome your fear and get it done. Capricorn is the ruler of the 10th house, our career, our fame and notoriety. You might be ready to break free from a large organization and go it alone. At a minimum break free from someone who is overbearing and holding you back.
Neptune is also in a sextile to Mars, some will use this energy to be deceptive, others will use this to pour energy into a creative project. Neptune is where we can get lost in dreamy energy and create things like art, music, and poetry. But Mars can stir things up and bring them to the surface. Neptune in the sign of Pisces also has a lot to do with diseases, and it is still in a sextile to Pluto which rules over death and transformation. Perhaps this will bring about the end of a disease that is running rampant.
There is hope that love will conquer all this unrest. Venus will have just entered into the sign of Leo where she is in a loose trine to Jupiter, still sitting at 8 degrees of Aries where it started its retrograde. They will be talking in harmony over the next several days as the light begins to fade from the Moon. Jupiter expands what it touches, brings growth to the planet it is working with. Venus is our values, our valuables, our money and love. Venus is completely happy in the sign of Leo. The planet is fun and light hearted and joyful. Jupiter is helping to really play that energy up. This could see a woman stepping into a leadership role at this time. Women in general may feel very empowered to bring about change.
Chiron is in a supportive position to the Full Moon from Aries where it sits at 16 degrees. There is a chance that this big change and pressure we are under brings about a lot of healing. The few days leading up to the Full Moon the Sun and Chiron have been speaking in harmony. We are gaining the self-confidence we need to go after our goals, to fight for our independence. This would be a really good time to listen to my very in depth self-hypnosis session on gaining self-confidence here.
How this shows up for you is best seen by booking a reading with me, here , but below are some suggestions of the areas your signs will be under pressure from and what may behind the ending that is showing up for you. This is best seen from your Rising sign, but will also be noticeable for your Sun and Moon signs. Just remember pressure happens for a reason so we can be shaped into something better.
Aquarius this happens in your 1st house of self. You are about to achieve a personal goal but there is a lot of pressure involving your career, your family and your significant other. Mars is giving you strength at home or from home. The 1st house is about defining who we are and how others see us. You may be about to go through a complete personal makeover. You may have some ancestral help here achieving your goals. Family is giving you strength, even from faraway.
Capricorn in your 2nd house the Moon is bringing completion that involves the money you make. You could be ending a job in order to move on to one better suited for you. You have pressure from the income you get from others, maybe a spouse. Perhaps they are pressuring you to just stay put. But you are being called to follow your heart, and break free from where you thought you belong. Your own heart is likely to win in this situation, so follow it.
Sagittarius a goal involving your communication skills is about to come to fruition when your 3rd house is activated. You could be starting a new job as a teacher or writing a book. But you have to let go of something in order to do that. Pressure is coming from your 9th house or overseas, maybe some kind of foreign investor is pressuring you. All the stress could be impacting your health, physical and mental. Mars and Pluto are going to give you the strength you need to get paid what your worth.
Scorpio a full moon in your 4th house of home and family can be a change coming at home. Someone could be moving in or out of your home. Or you could be ready to close on the home of your dreams. Your personal goals, your relationship goals and your career goals are all conflicting with what is going on at home for you. Mars is giving a lot of strength to your relationship goals so what is best for both of you may be what wins out here.
Libra a full moon in the 5th house means your heart is truly full. A romantic goal is coming to fullness now and if not romance then something involving your heart like a hobby or your children. But this doesn’t come easily of course. There is a lot of financial pressure involved here as your 2nd and 8th house of making money either on your own or through others is at odds. Both are getting pressured in some way by your friends. The 8th house that rules the money we receive from others may be the winner here. Just think if you do move in together this partner can help with the rent!
Virgo in the 6th house of health and work you could be in for some good health news. This could be a project being completed at work. Or getting a pet. This could also mean a job ending so a new one can begin. Virgo is the ruler of the 6th house so you feel confident about achieving this goal. But getting here won’t be easy. You may need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and face some demons to make this happen. The power comes from your 9th house so be sure to tune into the Divine for the guidance you need to bring this to fruition.
Leo with the Sun in hour 1st house you are shining brightly, but the Moon in your 7th house of serious relationships means the light is on your partner. Are they holding up their end of the bargain? Is your commitment waning? Or is it time to make it official? Pressure is coming at you from home and work at this time too. Looks like your career sector is the one getting the most attention. So, no matter what is going on with your partner you are going to pursue this career goal.
Cancer the 8th house rules the money we get from other resources it also rules our intimate partnerships. But there is a battle between the money your partner provides and the money you are making. You are still dealing with the pressure from your friends to follow your heart, to join them perhaps in a money-making endeavor that does not involve your current partner. I think being a part of something bigger and being of service may win out here.
Gemini the 9th house brings something to fruition that causes you to grow and expand. This could be faraway travel of some kind. You just have to leave something behind to get there and this is tugging at your heart strings. But this is something that is needed for your physical and mental well-being so you will make the effort to go somewhere and get away. I think your partner is actually going to support you getting away as well.
Taurus the 10th house is a goal being achieved in your career, a change in your status for the better at work. The North Node has been in your sign all year. It is helping you develop into who you are meant to be. But that means setting good boundaries and not just putting your partner’s needs first. Pressure from the rest of the family might be making work and your partner’s needs a bit of a juggling act. You cannot continue to try and make everyone else happy all the time. At the end of the day you will choose the path where you feel the most supported.
Aries the 11th house rules our friends, our benefactors and our networking groups. This is the house that Aquarius is the ruler of. So, this goal may be achieved easily for you. But only if you put in the work. There may be some kind of letting go where your heart is concerned in order to be a part of something bigger. A job change for instance could be pulling you away from your partner and your friends. But the financial opportunity is just too great to turn down.
Pisces in the 12th house sometimes are goals aren’t as noticeable. However, if you are needing to finally let go of some stuck unconscious beliefs now would be the time. Your mental and physical health have really been pushing at you lately. You know there is something more, something bigger you are a part of, beyond just your physical world. It’s time you paid attention to your intuitive guides. There is a very important piece of information you are about to receive that could change everything you thought you knew.
Let Mars and Pluto empower you to face your fears. The only time we really lose out in life is when we allow ourselves to stay stuck and don’t take some risks. You are going to feel this ending, it is going to push you to make a choice. Be sure you choose the one that doesn’t take your power away. This is the time where you can be joined with like-minded people, so just know when you take that leap of faith there will be someone there to catch you.
Love and Light!