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Aquarius New Moon Magic 2023

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

The New Moon in Aquarius will happen on January 21st at 1:53 PM MST. At a New Moon the Sun and Moon join together at the same degree in the same sign, this time that is at 1 degree, just like our Capricorn New Moon was. 1’s carry an extra dose of new beginning energy, so be sure to take advantage of it.

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. This sign is an Air sign, it brings people together for a cause, or through the airwaves. It is inventive energy like Einstein. For much more on this energy check out my article for the sign of Aquarius and a free hypnosis session to tune into this energy by going here.

New Moons are great for manifesting as the energy is very strong emotionally, and it is with our feelings that we manifest what shows up in our lives. We cannot think things into being, but how we think causes an emotional reaction, that is how we manifest. I have a great manifesting toolkit you can purchase for $11.11 which is very symbolic of this New Moon energy. Find it here.

The Sun represents our inner self, our ego self. While the Moon represents what we need to feel safe and secure, the Sun represents our success. Where the Sun is placed in your natal chart, can be a key to how you become most successful. The two when they meet in the same sign really amp your personal power up. This is even more true when the Sun or Moon are in your Sun, Moon or Rising sign. So, Aquarius energy like my youngest daughter's, can see a remarkable new beginning at this time. Perhaps it is new connections in general that will lead to some personal level of success. The 11th house is the house of networking and friend groups after all.

Supporting our new beginnings in a big way is Jupiter at 4 degrees of the sign of Aries, moving forward now it is almost to the end of its retrograde shadow. The sign of Aries is also about new beginnings since it is the first sign of the Zodiac. So yet again, we are seeing more momentum about a fresh start. Definitely not energy you want to waste by not taking advantage of this wherever this sits in your chart. Jupiter offers us growth and expansion opportunities along with a bit of blessings and good luck. It is in a sextile or 60-degrees away from the Sun and Moon in Aquarius. This is usually easy and gentle energy, and not as noticeable, but with Jupiter it will be. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Zodiac and exerts a lot of energy. It makes things bigger so they are noticeable. This opportunity will have you paying attention for sure.

Jupiter is the only planet directly connected to the New Moon energy. Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, goes direct almost immediately after the New Moon occurs. This is a message to you that the Uranus review period you have been going through is ready for immediate action. In Taurus the topics are Venus related, love, money, values and valuables. This is the kind of energy that can bring a pleasant surprise like winning a jackpot, or a car, or meeting the love of your life. But you never know with Uranus as that energy is a bit unstable and definitely hits you like a lightning bolt.

Mercury and Mars are now both direct and at 8 degrees of Capricorn and Gemini respectively. This is the last of the story they are sharing from their retrograde journeys as well. And now Mercury is sextile to the South Node and both are inconjunct to Mars, this forms what we call a YOD. 2 planets in a sextile and both inconjunct to a third. Now technically the South Node is a point in space, and not planet body. However, it is still energetic and in my humble opinion it is a major influencer. This is all the information to move something forward in your life, by letting go of a way of thinking about your past. The YOD makes it a fated mission. You could even get information that comes to you in an unusual way, that helps you with your mission.

While we can celebrate that we no longer have planets in retrograde, they still have some space to cover, quite literally, before you will know the entire lessons for each. But by now you should know enough to plan for the future. We are clear of retrogrades until Mercury again begins its journey through the sign of Taurus in April! This creates even more emphasis to go for it right now while the energy is supporting you.

Speaking of Mercury, it will be making positive contact for the final time with both of the Nodes. This can bring fated news related to careers and finances. You can also find the information you need from the past to move something work related ahead. Capricorn rules the 10th house or midheaven in the chart. This is also about our fame and notoriety, maybe you will be making the news in some way. Mars is also still speaking in an odd way to the South Node, whatever that has been about, that story too is ready to be put to bed.

Saturn our original ruler of the sign of Aquarius will be conjunct to Venus in the sign of Aquarius. This could signify an important commitment to love, finances, or to a group that focuses on serving the people. Perhaps you have been trying to find your niche, or friend group, and now it appears as if out of nowhere for you. Saturn is close to ending the shadow phase of its retrograde as well, but has a bit more to go. Saturn is showing us how to work hard and build structures in whatever house we have Aquarius energy in our chart. That makes 4 planets, well technically 2 planets and 2 luminaries, in the sign of Aquarius. Your love language if you have Venus in Aquarius could be acts of service or giving gifts that are scientific or technical in nature. If that is the type of work you do then you could be in for a reward for all your hard work. If you are looking for a wedding date this might be a really blessed one.

Let’s take a look at what could show up for you based on the house this will occur in your natal chart. This is most notable from your Rising sign in your day to day life. The Sun chart is something your closest friends may also notice happening for you, and the Moon is an emotional event.

Aquarius – this is your New Moon and it means it's all about you. As a result of this energy you could feel like you are a completely different person. Saturn makes you appear serious, while Venus helps take the edge off that seriousness. Whatever you are doing in the year ahead, you are very committed to it. Jupiter blessing you from the 3rd house could bring you a new car to match your shiny new self. Or, it could bring you a reward for completing a course of study. Either way you want to take advantage of all this motivating energy to kick off your birthday month. Wish big!

Pisces – in the 12th house you feel right at home, as this is the one that Pisces naturally sits in. This is where we connect to our creativity, our spirituality, and our artistic side. There could be hidden talents you have that are ready to come to the surface with the help of that Saturn and Venus energy here. This is also the house that rules the subconscious mind. So if you are tired of the thoughts running around and controlling your life, you can take control of them, and direct them to help you create the life you want. Jupiter is blessing the 2nd house of the money you make, so taking your talent and putting it to work for you is going to really pay off.

Aries – the 11th house is about connecting to our friends or networking groups. You are so good at doing everything on your own, but now is the time to connect with others who can help you move on to bigger and better things. In fact, for the past 2 years Saturn has been telling you as much. Now Venus is there, so perhaps a female figure helps guide you to this new group. Jupiter is blessing you in your 1st house of the self. It can make you bigger in more ways than one, so watch what you eat! But this is a very good time to step into your power.

Taurus – your career could really begin to take off with this type of energy to guide you. Something about your status can change with this energy. A commitment may be in the making and you will get married. The 10th house is how you are recognized, and being married or divorced is one of those things. Jupiter is helping you behind the scenes from your 12th house. So pay attention to how you are being divinely guided. You can't get married if you don't open yourself up to love.

Gemini – as a fellow Air Sign you are welcoming this new beginning from your 9th house, which is about growth, connection to the bigger picture, foreign travel or people. The 9th house can be associated with taking a course of study of some kind that is typically at the highest level. This is also where we can go much deeper into our spiritual practices. Make a wish to grow and enrich your life during this time. Jupiter is the ruler of that 9th house and it will bless you through a close friend.

Cancer – the 8th house is where we can wish to get financial gains from resources outside of our job. It is the house of death and transformation and our intimate partnerships. If you are struggling in yours, it can be a good time to wish for that relationship to be reborn. Or wish for a new intimate partnership altogether. Saturn and Venus will help it be a long term committed one. Jupiter in that 10th house could signify some type of bonus at work.

Leo – your new beginning can happen in your relationships, business or personal. Aquarius is the opposite sign for you. So, while you like to stand out on your own, in Aquarius you find a new beginning where you fit in with someone else. Saturn and Venus can again support this relationship going the distance. Jupiter adds its blessing from your 9th house, so maybe this person is from another country.

Virgo – the 6th house is where Virgo energy feels right at home being of service to others. These natural healers love taking care of anyone showing the slightest symptoms of illness, but they might ignore their own well-being as a result. This is a good time to focus on your own good health, new job prospects, you could even gain a new pet. Jupiter is adding some extra financial blessings for you from the 8th house. You could also see some kind of financial reward from the work you do. Just because you love serving others doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be paid well for the work you do. In fact, Saturn and Venus are going to see that you do.

Libra – another fellow air sign that is experiencing some harmonious energy, as the 5th house of romance is opening up for you to wish for a little bit more love in your life. If not in the mood for romance it would be a good time for wishing to have children. This is the house of fun and heartfelt things we do, like hobbies. Jupiter blessing you from the 7th house could bring you a serious romantic or business partner. Just imagine taking your hobby and turning it into a money-making venture with the help of an expert in your field. Saturn and Venus could be those experts you need.

Scorpio – the 4th house gives you things to wish for that involve your home and family. This is good energy to find a new place to live, or to buy/sell a house. Saturn and Venus could also just give you what you need to remodel the home you are in. With Jupiter helping from your 6th house that rules the work you do, maybe you get a raise that helps you afford to make the changes at home.

Sagittarius – the 3rd house rules communication, transportation, communicating and teaching. Are you ready to write a book or teach a new course? It’s a good time to launch a course that you previously created. This house is opposite of what Sag is used too, things are a little more in the weeds and detailed here. Saturn and Venus help with getting them all straight. Jupiter is blessing you from the 5th house of fun and romance. Maybe you have a course or book about love to put out there for all to read.

Capricorn – the 2nd house is the money we make, typically at our job. This could be you getting a raise, or starting a new job that pays you more. I don’t think you can work any harder, but if you have been lacking motivation it’s a good time to tap into Saturn and Venus for inspiration. Jupiter is blessing this job of yours from the 4th house, which could mean you get to continue to work from home, or begin to.

As usual, all of the above is just some ways this energy can show up for you. What matters most is what is going on in your own chart, and what planets you have within 25- 6th degree, which is 5 degrees before or after the 1-degree mark of the New Moon. And then it gets more complicated from there. Of course, I can help you navigate that, so check out my New Moon reading special here.

Thank you for sharing with those you think would benefit from the above information.

Love and light,



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