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2025 Everything in the World is Changing!

Writer's picture: Maralee BurnettMaralee Burnett

Updated: Nov 30, 2024

A partial Giant clock Face with Roman Numerals is surrounded by Edison Bulbs
Big Changes Ahead in 2025

2025 Big Change Preview – we are moving from an 8 Universal year into a 9. The energy of the 9 is for completion. The themes of endings and closure will be seen universally and in our lives. In the Tarot, this is when the Fool meets the World card as it completes its journey or quest. The year will be spent on getting you to the last step to reach your big life goal. The 8 energy of 2024 was meant to test our inner strength, and boy did it. Many experienced personal challenges that they did not believe they were strong enough to survive, and yet they did. Now because we are stronger we can hold healthy boundaries and end things that no longer serve us. This is a year where goal setting will be important. The most recent time we had a 9 year, was in 2016. You get that year number by adding up 2 + 1 + 6 = 9. What themes were showing up for you then? Would you like them to repeat? Or are you ready for something more?

This year is extremely unique. Rarely do we see almost all outer planets changing signs, especially while in positive aspect to one another. As a result the collective is going through a major growth period. Pluto will have transitioned to Aquarius at the end of November, but still in the early stages of that sign. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter will all change signs, so will the North and South Node. Mars and Venus both have retrogrades this year as well, along with the typical Mercury retrogrades of course. There is so much that will change for you in the year ahead, you may not even recognize your life by the time we get to the end of 2025.

Below is the outline of all the Transpersonal and Outer Planets. The personal planets move much more quickly, so will not be discussed in depth, but their retrogrades will be covered. You can use the planning guide to see how all the planet shifts in 2025 will affect you personally. Booking a session where I walk you through the breakdown will be the most effective way to navigate all the sweeping changes in the year ahead. You can do so with a special offer here.

Pluto finished it's Capricorn cycle that began in 2008, on November 19th. Never again in our lifetime will we have the experience of Pluto in Capricorn. We saw the financial crisis In 2008 at the same time as Pluto moved first moved into Capricorn. Pluto points out our weaknesses, our fears, so that we can face them, as we do, we become stronger. Capital markets, banks for instance, had to change policies so they could not fail again at such an alarming rate. It was very stressful, but we needed the crisis to happen so we knew where we had weak points, so we could fix them.

Pluto moved into the sign of Aquarius most recently, January 20th of 2024, it spent a few months there before going retrograde in May, and then began its retrograde back into Capricorn on September 1st. At the beginning of 2025 you may see some common themes as Pluto covers again the territory it covered as it first explored the sign from January through September of 2024. Since part of that time was spent in retrograde, the review period is over, and it is time to take what we learned about our Aquarius energy and move forward.

Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will continue to revolutionize technology like Chat AI, community structures, and global networks. Expect to see major breakthroughs in science, technology, and social justice movements. There will likely be societal pushes for greater equality, innovation, and freedom from oppressive systems. And remember a crisis may be created so you know what needs to be fixed. In years past we saw things like the Industrial revolution while Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius. This is the planet of death and rebirth. In an air sign expect swift changes. Perhaps we will see innovations involving the air, like more wind energy, or ways to clean up the environment.

Pluto will retrograde from May 4th through October 13th, giving us time to absorb what we are just starting to understand about our Aquarius work. We have 20 years to fully understand the work of Pluto in Aquarius, as it stays in the sign until 2044.

Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, this energy is electric, and not easily contained. In 2025 it will continue to explore the late degrees of the sign of Taurus. Continuing to innovate our finances, through things like Bitcoin. Uranus takes anywhere from 5-7 years to fully explore a sign. We will continue to see surprises financially, more ways to think about and explore the meaning behind money.

The planet will complete its first retrograde in Taurus at the end of January. Then in the first part of July it will move into the sign of Gemini, where the innovation shifts to information, transportation and learning. This combination of energies, can also start moving a lot of things in the air, like missiles, and rockets. Unfortunately Uranus in Gemini has been active in many wars, such as World War II between 1941-1945. But Pluto was in Leo back then as well, opposite of where it will be during this transit. The power is to the people, not to the leaders, so perhaps a different fight is in front of us. Gemini is about working with our hands, I see a lot of computer programming, potential hacking as well. Good time to make sure your online resources are protected. As mentioned before these outer planets speak and work in harmony on the collective as a whole. The work for individuals is more internal and subtle, until it's not. When Uranus in Gemini first enters it is in a trine to Pluto in retrograde. With a trine you need to apply the energy to benefit from it. Community learning and communications will become important during this transit. They may go through a shocking transformation.

On September 6th, Uranus will slow down and review the brief territory it covered in Gemini at 1"27'. It will jump back into Taurus on November 7th, and remain there for the rest of the year. Whatever happens when Taurus begins moving forward at the end of January, it's going to get a second look. Keep that in mind, especially where your finances are concerned. In 2026 Uranus will stay in the sign of Gemini and be there until 2032-2033, so we have a lot of time to work with planet of surprise and innovation.

Neptune the planet ruler of the sign of Pisces influencesf our creativity, spirituality, our feelings that we use to create. The energy can be a bit foggy and delusional if we don't use it as intended, to create. This is where we can put on rose-colored glasses and choose ways to self medicate, so we don't have to deal with all the feelings. What we should be doing is channeling those feelings into something like art, music, or spiritual work that helps others.

The planet will continue to spend its time in Pisces, until March 30th, then it moves into the sign of Aries. We have been experiencing the strength of Neptune in its home sign since February 3rd of 2012. It can take anywhere from 12-14 years to move through each sign. What themes have you been working on since then? Look to the house being occupied in your chart, for the lessons from Neptune. Pluto will just be exploring its final degree in Aquarius before it goes retrograde, this will make it still sextile to Neptune as that planet moves into the warrior sign of Aries. The sextile energy is the most subtle contact. You barely notice it, but it is there. They are saying together we can fight for what is right, expose those that are in the wrong.

The last time Neptune was in Aries was from 1862-1875. During this time we saw the end of the Civil War and Slavery abolished. We saw the Civil Rights Act, and we saw the first Impeachment of then President Andrew Johnson. Which of course means we also saw President Lincoln assassinated. Aries is a fighter, Neptune is there fighting for a way to heal the conflicts. It's a fight for peace. Expect this to be a time where big battles are waged to protect those who are being taken advantage of. Neptune will explore this territory until 2039-2040.

But before the planet gets to Aries permanently, it will finish exploring Pisces, from October 22 through the end of the year we have the final review of Neptune in Pisces. Like Pluto did in 2024, the entire retrograde will be spent at the critical 29th degree. The month of March Neptune will first explore the 29th degree, so pay close attention to what occurs during that month. It will be under a serious review, then in February of 2026 the planet will return, and stay in the sign of Aries, never to return in our lifetime to the sign of Pisces.

A Unique Alignment

The outer planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus all in supportive energy to one another is quite rare. Neptune and Pluto alone, have been in a sextile formation, through several signs since about 1950 when they met in Libra and Leo, respectively. They have progressed being sextile the entire time, and will continue through 2037 in Aries and Aquarius. It's finally here that Neptune will start making more space as the orb, degrees between the planets increases to 5, weakening the support they offer one another once and for all. Until June of 2028 Uranus is also in a trine to Pluto, while in a sextile with Neptune. Outer planets shape the collective, create changes in society as a whole. The work is often subtle and begins beneath the surface, slowly evolving in major transformation for societal norms. Uranus moves the fastest and at times gets a bit out of reach of the other two, but as it shifts into Gemini in July, and all 3 are strongly aligned again we may see a noticeable change. All of these alignments are positive, which leads me to believe they are working behind the scenes to help society transform for the better. Look to the houses where these 3 are transiting and see what changes you may have been experiencing. A subtle change even in your beliefs or values is a sign these planet energies are affecting you.

Saturn will continue its time in the sign of Pisces, which it entered in March of 2023, until it moves into Aries on May 25th. Saturn returns every 29 years to a sign, where it then spends about 2 ½ years. That makes the years 1994-1996 part of the time it was last in this sign of Pisces. Those of you born those years are having your Saturn return, and will find yourself wondering if you are where you are meant to be. There will be a call to get more serious about your life goals. For the rest of you, it will be good to look back at how Saturn in Pisces affected you back then. If born in the mid 60's you will have your second Saturn return, a much harder return if at this stage in life you are still not doing the work.

Saturn ruler of the sign of Capricorn and traditional ruler of Aquarius. It represents rules, hard work, structures, foundations, and restrictions. In Pisces, there are boundaries we need to create. Expect border issues, and immigration topics to continue. Pisces is also our creativity, artists and musicians, especially women will continue to make a name for themselves as they work hard on their gifts. Speaking of gifts this sign rules over the spirit realm. Religious leaders may continue to try to restrict those who are not following the 'rules'. As the planet moves into Aries we are working on putting limits on war. Limits on individual power. There may be restrictions put on individuals, as Aries rules over the self. As Pisces is also a sign that rules over healing there can be issues that affect those who are older, restrictions on healthcare or a health event that causes restrictions are possible. Watch mid June for issues as Saturn and Jupiter meet in a major square, which is a difficult connection between the two largest planets. Saturn in Aries, is the self, and Jupiter in Cancer is nurturing others, a conflict between what the individual leader wants and what is best for the family.

The planet will travel between 13 and 29 degrees of Pisces the first part of the year, then enter the sign of Aries on May 25th for a few months, before it retrogrades back into Pisces for the final time through the end of the year. In 2026 the planet will fully transition into the sign of Aries for the next 2 1/2 years.

Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. Ruler of the sign of Sagittarius, we seek answers with this planet. It is these answers that help us grow. Some will do this at University, others with a spiritual teacher of some kind. This is a benefic planet, bringing us blessings when we live our truth. This sign represents joy, happiness and having a positive, hopeful outlook. This is considered a benefic planet and being the largest planet in our solar system can offer big opportunities and blessings. However, you still have to be doing the work, and learning the lessons, it doesn't just hand things out for no reason.

Jupiter kicks off the year retrograde in the sign of Gemini until February 4th. The planet will remain in the sign of Gemini until June 9th. This is a difficult placement for Jupiter, there are too many details, whereas the planet prefers the bigger picture, and having faith that all will work out. It does not need all the facts to know what the outcome will be. Plus there has been a lot of back and forth going on ever since Jupiter entered into Gemini last May.

Next it will enter into the sign of Cancer, where it is considered to be exalted, it thrives here. We go from learning to speak our truth, to learning to care and nurture ourself and others. Women, mothers in particular, may benefit from Jupiters time in this sign. It will expand on compassion, intuition and empathy. With the planets 12 year cycle the last time you experienced Jupiter in the sign of Cancer would be the year 2013. Expect this to be a time for the Defense of Marriage act to be revisited during the retrograde as it was first approved in 2013. Jupiter will go retrograde on 11/11 at 25 degrees of Cancer, and make it back to 15 degrees of that sign in March of 2026. If you have planets near those degrees, especially in the sign of Cancer, you have some things to reconsider, like are you aligned with your true values.

Venus another benefic planet, will be retrograde this year, after spending all of 2024 moving forward. The border area of Pisces and Aries is getting a serious workout this year. Venus and Mercury will both retrograde here. The Nodes switch signs here, so do Saturn and Neptune!! We should know what we love, what we are passion about, and start pursuing those goals as Venus the planet of love, beauty, relationships and values, moves through all the signs, about 3 weeks at a time. But during the retrograde we of course have an extra long look at what we love or don't.

The retrograde this year takes place from March 1st through April 12 between Aries and Pisces. This means it will hit that critical 29 degrees of the sign of Pisces 3 times! Of course this is a gentler energy, but it will still feel intense. Testing of relationship boundaries, financial boundaries are high on the list of the things you may need to work through. Venus in Aries focuses in on loving the self, in fact it can have you feeling a bit selfish. In Pisces, it is more dreamy and believes anything is possible. Aries is the 1st house, starting fresh and new, then we move back to the 12th house Pisces, which is something left undone that needs to be finished involving love and/or money potentially.

Mercury is the planet that rules communication, community and transportation. It is considered the messenger of the Gods as it flies quickly around the sky delivering messages between all the planets. It will have its 3 retrogrades in the Water and Fire signs this year. The first retrograde won't happen until March 14th as it works with Venus through the signs of Aries and Pisces. Aries is speaking up for ourselves. Pisces is using words to heal.

The 2nd retrograde happens in the sign of Leo in July, a sign where we also saw Mars finish its retrograde in February. Is there more to learn? Mercury says yes.

The 3rd retrograde will happen between Scorpio and Sagittarius beginning on November 9th. Mercury is considered at fall in the sign of Sagittarius, the details can get missed when we spend too much time only looking at the big picture. However, during the retrograde we have to put all the pieces together to see the actual big picture that we may be missing. Anytime Mercury is in Scorpio the planet digs up the truth.

Chiron the energy of the wounded healer, will still spend its time in Aries beginning the year having just finished its retrograde on December 28th. It is just moving forward again from 19 degrees of the sign. This planet shows us the wounds we carry with us from childhood. This pain we carry feels like a tremendous burden. But we can get stuck being the victim, or use our pain to help others heal. As we heal them, we heal ourselves. In the sign of Aries we are healing any wounds we carry that impact our self-confidence. This planet takes its time in each sign much like Uranus, in Aries it will last about 5 years. Chiron always transits between the planets Uranus and Saturn. To stay ahead of Saturn when it enters into Aries with Neptune, Uranus will need to move into Taurus in 2027.

The planet will retrograde between 27 and 22 degrees of the sign. Your personal planets impacted by these degrees can help you heal your wounds that cause you to doubt yourself. So can the hypnosis session I have here.

The Nodes change signs this year! They will transition from Aries/Libra axis to Pisces/Virgo. The Nodes change signs about every 19 months, in order to teach us lessons about our karma and dharma. The North Node is like a big pair of shoes we need to grow into, the South Node, is the pair you had last year that no longer fits. If you try to stay in that old pair you will be uncomfortable and miserable. Ideally we transition at just the right time from the old shoes into the new.

The themes of the sign of Pisces we have been quite aware of since Saturn has spent the last 2 years here. The North node will test you, see if you are serious about healing, spirituality, and especially keeping strong boundaries in place. You also need to work on your gifts and share those with the world. This is a time for being in the flow, trusting the Universe to take the wheel, and follow where you are led. Pisces is the 12th house, endings, things that are hidden, the subconscious mind, and it is where we can get stuck in large institutions. Topics that involve hospitals, large corporations and prisons may come up throughout this time, in a way that teaches us some sort of lesson. The last time you had these lessons was from June of 2006 to January of 2008. Which happened to coincide with a notable financial crisis! However, that influence came from Pluto entering Capricorn. Saturn applied the restrictions and regulations that got us back afloat.

The South Node in Virgo is where we have move away from, this is those too small shoes you were so comfortable wearing once upon a time. Virgo is a natural healer, a detail oriented person, and very organized. This is the 6th house of health, work, day to day activities and being of service. This is a year and a half where you are letting go of the things that are a part of your day to day life that no longer fit. You may see job changes as a result. Of course look to 2006 for clues on how this may affect you.

The eclipses are aligned with our fated Nodal work. We will see the first set in March with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. Then we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries, the last bit of work we need to do based on the North Node finishing its time in the sign of Aries. Whatever you didn't finish, will be finished now, the work on your personal transformation is complete. The second set will be the Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sign of Virgo. More details on where and when these happen can be found in the worksheet at the link below.

Summary - As you can see there is a lot of energy to navigate as we are presented with a tremendous amount of change and transition in the year ahead. This article is just a very brief summary of what you might expect. More to come in all the content I will create and share in the year ahead. Subscribe to receive in your email the Monthly horoscope, Full Moon, New Moon articles and of course the Eclipses! And don't forget those Astrolesson's and Tarot card readings.

See the Chart below for which house will be affected based on your Sun, Moon or Rising Signs. The placements are based on whole sign houses, so just generalized information. Which means the rising sign is set to zero, yours is likely not at that degree. Mercury, Venus and Mars are personal planets like the Sun and Moon, and will not be shown in this chart as they move quickly around the zodiac, except to show where they start out for the year. You may need to scroll to the right to see the full chart.













































































































































If you want to fully plan your year ahead, and see how the planets will impact your life, I have an expanded worksheet available here. You may need to create a free drop box account to access it. You can fill this out by working with a copy of your birth chart to see what houses will be impacted, and if you have any natal planets that are directly impacted as well. Of course, it is best to work with a trained astrologer, like me. However, if you like to play Jr Astrologer this is a great way to get started. This worksheet is filled out for you as a part of booking an extended reading session to review the year ahead. See it on my website here. To create a free birth chart you can visit a site like Astro.Com and enter your day, time and place of birth. The chart will show you what houses all of your natal planets are in. Additionally it shows you what house you have the signs listed above in your chart as well. This is how you will apply the worksheet above. Coaching clients can choose to do this work in one of their sessions as well! Enjoy!

Happy New Year!!



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